coalition government 2010-2015

Cards (9)

  • came to power in 2010 when david cameron's conservatives formed a coalition (alliance) with the liberal democrats to get their legislation through
  • conservatives favoured traditional NF and limited state intervention
  • liberal democrats recognised that families are now diverse and that policies should reflect that
  • shared parental leave
    parental leave should be shared equally between man and woman
    • rather than assuming that women would take an extended period off work while men would only be entitled to 2 weeks
  • same sex marriage act 2013
    legalised gay marriage to meet the needs of modern society
  • child benefits moved from universal to being based on income
    gave more responsibility to parents as only 2 parents per family could claim
  • X fails to support alternative families as they view it as inferior and insufficient for raising children
  • X women have been forced into the expressive role or poverty due to the lack of support by the government for childcare
  • X policies widened the gap between poor and rich families due to cuts in benefits