Shelley is playing on fears about progress and Science and where this will lead in the future.
Shelley is writing about the hubris (arrogance which leads to downfall) of mankind
Shelley makes us consider how ambition can be destructive. In particular male ambition can be destructive
Shelley makes us see that good people can be made evil by the way society treats them - this links directly to Rousseau’s ideas
Shelley is warning readers about ‘playing God’ and unlocking God’s powers through science - this links directly to the myth of Prometheus
Shelley makes us see that despite our intelligence, the most important thing we need is love and acceptance
Shelley makes us question the morality of progress
Shelley reminds us of how insignificant we are in the universal masterplan
Shelley makes us consider how we judge others we don’t know – prejudice
Shelley is warning readers by creating a horror story and by showing how hideous the monster is – the monster is a horrific physical symbol of progress