Cards (3)

  • hypoxia inducible factor 1a (HIF1a) is an oxygen level sensor
    • high oxygen -> low HIF1a, cells behave normally and normal amount of blood vessels
    • low oxygen -> high HIF1a, cells switch to anaerobic respiration and secrete VEGF to stimulate angiogenesis to make more blood vessels
    • more blood vessels -> more surface area to increase oxygen absorption in low oxygen environment
  • normal/high oxygen levels (normoxia) leads to HIF1a ubiquitination and degradation
    • HPH enzyme does redox reaction with oxoglutarate and oxygen to form succinate and CO2
    • this helps HPH hydroxylate HIF1a on its proline residues (lysine gets acetylated)
    • this heavy PTM of HIF1a makes it a target for ubiquitin ligase complex which adds a polyubiquitin tail on HIF1a which is a target for proteasomes to degrade
    ***hypoxic conditions inhibit HPH from degrading HIF1a
  • hypoxia leads to HIF1a stabilization, phosphorylation, and control gene expression
    • low oxygen levels (hypoxia) -> HIF1a gets phosphorylated and bound to ARNT (stabilizes HIF1a, prevents PTM by HPH) -> ARNT/HIF1a act as TF and forms complex with other molecules to respond to HIF1a Responsive Elements (HRE) on target genes that are positively/negatively regulated by HIF1a
    • increased expression of:
    • VEGF promotes angiogenesis
    • iNOS enzyme make NO to promote vasodilation to increase blood flow
    • GLUT and glycolytic enzymes (with lactate) to make more ATP