Cards (9)

  • Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated bus

    December 1955
  • Rosa Parks' arrest
    Triggered the start of the modern civil rights movement
  • Underlying cause of the boycott
    • Montgomery segregated buses
    • Behaviours of white bus drivers
  • Black economic power
    Used to force the whole bus company owners to reconsider their policies
  • NAACP branch response to Rosa Parks' arrest
    1. Wanted a court case
    2. Branch secretary Rosa Parks was arrested
  • Boycott organised by NAACP
    1. Assisted by the local black college & churches
    2. Black community launched a year long boycott
  • Boycott aims
    • Fully integrated buses upon which anyone could sit anywhere
    • Employment of black drivers
  • Boycott leader
    • 26 year old black baptist minister MLK Junior
  • 50,000 of the black population participated in the boycott