Results & Significance

Cards (6)

    • The Brown ruling had elicited a white backlash and the establishment of ‘White Citizens’ Councils to defend segregation
    • The Montgomery Citizens' Council organised the opposition to the Boycott and used arrests and intimidation to try and frighten leaders like King-attracted favourable nationwide attention to the black community's efforts
  • NAACP won a legal victory in the Supreme Court ruling against segregated buses in Browder vs Gayle
    November 1956
  • Montgomery's buses were desegregated after the NAACP's legal victory
  • Montgomery's black community
    • Demonstrated the potential power of a new mode of activism (mass direct action)
    • But it was the NAACP litigation and Browder vs Gayle that ensured the desegregation of Montgomery's buses
  • Only Montgomery's buses were desegregated as segregation continued in other public spaces
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
    • Emerged as a major new black leader
    • His inspirational oratory had gained national attention
    • In 1957 he established the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to continue the fight against segregation