Cards (3)

  • Declared an 'Unconditional War on Poverty'
    January 1964
  • Johnson persuaded congress to pass an Economic Opportunity Act (EOA)

    1. Established an Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) to coordinate the War on Poverty
    2. In February 1965 Johnson proudly informed Congress of the progress
  • Progress reported by Johnson
    • 44 states had anti poverty programmes and 6 more would soon have
    • 53 Job Corps Centres providing job training were receiving thousands of applications daily
    • Members of 25,000 families on welfare were receiving work training
    • 35,000 college students were on work study programmes, under which poorer students could earn federal through part-time work
    • 35,000 college students were learning to read and write
    • 90,000 adults were enrolled in basic education programmes
    • Neighbourhood Youth Corps in 49 cities and 11 rural communities were giving young people jobs to help them stay in education or receive training
    • 8,000 Volunteers in Service to American (VISTA) were assisting groups such as needy children, Native Americans and migratory workers
    • Over 4 million were receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children Benefits
    • Loans were given for small businesses and rural development- $17 million was distributed in rural loans in 1968