Cards (10)

  • What is the best way to improve EWT?
    The cognitive interview
  • Who devised the CI?
    Geiselman et al (1985)
  • Who used the CI?
    Detectives in police investigations
  • The 4 instructions of CI
    • Recreate the context of the original incident
    • Report every detail
    • Recall the event in different orders
    • Recall the event from a variety of perspectives
  • Recreate the context of the original incident
    1. Recall an image of the setting/event including details such as the weather, lighting, distinctive smells, any people nearby
    2. Recall from an emotional context - how they were feeling at the time
  • Report every detail
    Witnesses are asked to recall any information they can remember about the event, however trivial or unimportant it may seem
  • Recall the event in different orders
    1. Recall the event in reverse order
    2. Recall the event starting with the most memorable part and work backwards or forwards from there
  • Recall the event from a variety of perspectives
    Describe the event from the perspective of a third party who was present at the time
  • Where were the witnesses interviewed?
    In a quiet, private setting so that distractions don't impair the memory retrieval process
  • What does the interviewer avoid doing?