Cards (2)

  • Healthcare
    • Elderly had always constituted a large proportion of Americans poor and healthcare- a major cause of their poverty
    • Democrats like Johnson had long advocated federal financial support for healthcare but the Conservative Americans insisted that subsidised or free healthcare smacked of communism
    • 4 successive Congresses had refused to help the large proportion of over 65’s who had no private health insurance
    • The Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress and Johnson's powers of persuasion- Congress established Medicare and Medicaid in the Social Security Act- 1965
  • Medicare & Medicaid
    • Provided federally funded health insurance for over 65’s and those with disabilities, regardless of their income or existing medical conditions
    • 1966- 19 million Americans enrolled - Medicare
    • Under the provisions of Medicaid- federal government gave financial assistance to states- help them price medical assistance to residents who couldn't afford essential medical services
    • Within a single year Medicaid increased the amount spent by the federal and state government in healthcare for poor citizens from $1.3 billion to over $2 billion