Types of experiments

    Cards (8)

    • Define ‘lab experiments’
      An experiment that takes place in a controlled environment where EVs are strictly controlled
    • Evaluate ‘lab experiments’
      Strengths: reduced EVs, reduced confounding variables, repeatable & high internal validity
      Weaknesses: artificial, unnatural behaviour, low external validity & mundane realism
    • Define ‘field experiments’
      An experiment that takes place in a natural setting
    • Evaluate ‘field experiments’
      Strengths: high mundane realism, authentic behaviour & high external validity
      Weaknesses: inc. confounding variables, inc. EVs, not repeatable & ethical issues
    • Define ’natural experiments‘
      An experiment where the change in IV would have occurred regardless of the presence of a researcher and the DV measured is decided by the researcher
    • Evaluate ‘natural experiments’
      Strengths: high external validity
      Weaknesses: hard to generalise, lack of realism & demand characteristics
    • Define ‘quasi experiments’
      A study that is almost an experiment but lacks key ingredients such as the IV not being determined by anyone and the ’variables’ just existing
    • Evaluate ‘quasi experiments’
      Strengths: controlled conditions & repeatable
      Weaknesses: increase in confounding variables