Columbia UNI

Cards (4)

  • Columbia Uni Protests
    • Opposed the university's involvement in weapons research as this research assisted the government
    • Controversy about the relationship between the university and adjacent Harlem and its Black and Hispanic populations
  • Since 1958, Columbia University's expansion programmes had led to eviction of several thousands of Harlem residents from properties owned by the university
  • 1968- the university planned to construct a gym in the public park

    1. The Harlem population would be able to access the gym, through a separate door
    2. Students interpreted this as a segregationist policy and opposed the construction of 'Gym Crow'
    3. Defenders said that the separate door was necessary because the gym was on a hill
  • Student protests
    • 1,000 of Columbia's 17,000 students participated
    • Students seized 5 university buildings and covered the walls with Malcolm X and communist heroes such as Karl Marx and Che Guevara
    • The police used clubs and made 692 arrests
    • The university shut down for that term and abandoned the gym and many defence contracts
    • Hundreds of similar occupations followed across the USA