Control local deposition and erosion of sediment, allowing rivers to migrate across valley bottoms and form flood plains. They also govern the way that rivers incise into bedrock and generate the topography of upland valleys
A stream profile that is adjusted to carry its sediment load. It is concave up, with steeper channels in headwaters declining progressively downstream toward the outlet of the river network
Establishes the amount, type, and seasonal pattern of precipitation and runoff, and controls the dominant runoff- generating mechanisms and thereby streamflow magnitude and variability
In humid regions, discharge systematically increases downstream within channel networks. In arid regions, discharge often decreases downstream as water infiltrates through the streambed
Holds material together & slows erosion. Influences scour, deposition, and sediment transport. Can divert streams. Can cause massive erosive and transport episodes
The ratio of flow velocity to the speed at which a surface wave will propagate (flow depth and gravitational acceleration). Indicates whether a stream is moving faster or slower than its wake, differing ratios all transport and deposit sediment differently
Flows that fill a channel to the point of overflowing. Important because it is the point to be exceeded for floods that inundate valley bottoms and deposit sediment
Lifting, dragging & rolling of sediment particles. Force of moving water exerts shear stress directly on the sediment, overcoming forces of gravity and cohesion holding sediment in place
The flow velocity needed to move a piece of sediment. Entrainment begins here. Below this, there is no motion, above this transport rates increase with increasing shear stress
Discharges for sediment transport vs bedrock incision
Discharges with high area & low velocity are good for sediment transport. Discharge with small areas but high velocity down cut. Incision occurs only after sediment is in motion already
Low = riffles have steep water surface slopes and rapid flow, and pools water surface flow and slower flow. High = pools have greater velocity than riffles
Natural flow dynamics and erosion and deposition of sediment along river bends. Water flow velocity is higher on outer edge of bend due to centrifugal force leading to greater erosion. On the inner edge of the bend where water flow is slower, sediment is deposited
Reach = stretch of channel that exhibits similar characteristics: bed and bank material, position in landscape. Unit = within reaches, groups of morphologically distinct forms: bars, steps, pools, riffles
Creates stable obstructions to flow and forces flow convergence, divergence, and sediment impoundment by stream channels causing pools, bars, and steps