Market based approach: privatisation and deregulation
Monopoly regulation types
Price caps>limit on revenue >so may cut costs>may still have profit to reinvest left
Quality standards
Profit cap>takeaway incentive to be abusive
Mergers(block it if it goes against consumer interest) or allow it with certain conditions e.g sell of stores
Evaluation of regulation (competition policy)
Regulators don't have enough information to regulate (asymmetric)>firms to lie about their revenue (misinformation) leading to the regulations being closer to their goals
Risk of regulatory capture which is when regulators are captured by the interest of firms and ceos in an industry rather than following public industry (manipulation and corruption) it is also a pure gov failure
Cost and admin reinforcement
Unintended consequences e.g market failure, firms leaving country, loss of dynamic efficiency, regulation acting as barrier to entry for competition
Balance of payments
Financial records between international transactions between one country and rest of the world
Components of balance of payments
Capital account (financial, direct investment, portfolio investment, reserves)
Current account (secondary, primary, import, export)
Current account deficit
Negative x-m > lower ad > lower growth and high unemployment (ad shifting left )