Cards (21)

  • A paradigm
    is like a set of rules or a way of thinking that guides how people in a certain field do their work or understand things.
  • Qualitative is about studying and understanding things by looking at the details, stories, and meanings rather than numbers. It's like painting a rich, detailed picture to understand a situation.
  • Quantitative is all about numbers. It involves collecting and analyzing data using measurements and statistics to draw conclusions. It's like looking at the quantity or amount of something to understand it bette
  • Mixed methods research is a research
    method that combines and integrates
    both qualitative and quantitative
    research methods in a single research
  • Paradigm
    A set of rules or a way of thinking that guides how people in a certain field do their work or understand things
  • Qualitative
    Studying and understanding things by looking at the details, stories, and meanings rather than numbers
  • Quantitative
    Collecting and analyzing data using measurements and statistics to draw conclusions
  • It's called the Mixed-Method Research to blend the best of both qualitative and quantitative research worlds into one seamless paradigm
  • Mixed-method research

    A research method that combines and integrates both qualitative and quantitative research methods in a single research study
  • Mixed-method research

    • The central premise is that it makes the most of the strengths of each data type while neutralizing their weaknesses
    • Researchers combine qualitative and quantitative methods to expand their evidence, to improve the credibility of their findings, and to illustrate the results from one method with the results from the one
  • Why use mixed-method research
    • Gain more complete understanding of the research topic
    • Increase validity of the research study
  • Core mixed methods research designs
    • Convergent design
    • Explanatory sequential design
    • Exploratory sequential design
    • Transformative design
    • Embedded design
    • Multiphase design
  • Convergent design

    1. Quantitative and qualitative data are collected independently but analyzed and interpreted together
    2. The goal is to compare and contrast the results to provide a comprehensive understanding
  • Explanatory sequential design
    1. Collecting and analyzing quantitative data first, followed by qualitative data to explain or enhance the quantitative findings
    2. The qualitative data help provide a deeper understanding or context
  • Exploratory sequential design
    1. Qualitative data are collected and analyzed first to inform the development of quantitative research
    2. The initial qualitative phase helps identify variables and refine research questions for the subsequent quantitative phase
  • Transformative design
    1. Aims to create a synergy between quantitative and qualitative data throughout the entire research process
    2. The goal is not just to mix methods but to use them to transform the research into a more comprehensive understanding
  • Embedded design

    1. One type of data (either quantitative or qualitative) plays a supportive or secondary role to the primary data
    2. This design is useful when one method helps validate or explain the results of the other
  • Multiphase design

    1. Involves conducting multiple sequential phases of either quantitative or qualitative research
    2. Each phase builds on the previous one, allowing for a more nuanced and comprehensive exploration of the research problem
  • Mixed methods research contents
    • Preliminaries
    • Chapter 1: Introduction
    • Chapter 2: Literature Review
    • Chapter 3: Methodology
    • Chapter 4: Results
    • Chapter 5: Integration of Findings
    • Chapter 6: Discussion
    • Chapter 7: Conclusion
    • References
    • Appendices
  • Research conduct steps
    1. Determine whether mixed methods research is appropriate
    2. Determine your purpose
    3. Select the most appropriate design
    4. Collect qualitative and quantitative data
    5. Analyze the collected data
    6. Write the research report
  • Mixed method research example
    • Newman, Shell, Jianping, and Mass' paper on adolescent alcohol use used exploratory sequential design
    • Started with collecting and analyzing qualitative data through in-depth interviews, discussions, and observations
    • Then used the qualitative findings to design survey instruments for quantitative data collection
    • Gained a better understanding of the health-related behavior and provided insights on how to reduce alcohol-related risks among young adults