Global Divides - are not purely of a geographical division but rather focused on socio-economic and political affiliations and status.
Global North - Countries that are geographically in the northern hemisphere or to countries that are economically developed (Develop countries in Asia, Australia, andNewZealand)
Characterize by
Establish Wealth
Technological Advancement
Political Stability
Zero Population Growth
Dominance of World Trade and Politic
Group of Eight (G8) - France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia (suspended), Germany, Japan, Italy, and Canada.
The Five Permanent Members (P5) of the United Nations Security Council - France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, and China.
Global South - Countries that are geographically in the southern hemisphere or to countries that are developing or economically struggling ( Africa, LatinAmerica, andAsia )