Media Globalization

Cards (53)

  • Media is the main conduit of globalization for the spread of global culture and idea.
  • LGBTQ is spreading across the world and becoming more widely accepted. All thanks to the massive campaign waged in the media platforms.
  • Jack Lule is an Iacocca Professor and Chair of Journalism and Communication.
  • Jack Lule is the Founding Director of Global Studies and the Social Change initiative, Leigh University.
  • Jack Lule stated media is a means of conveying something such as a channel of communication. For him, media platforms have the ability to raise awareness about social injustices, human rights, etc.
  • Media is a means of conveying something, such as a channel of communication
  • Media is a term which covers all the means of communication which have functions such as informing, raising awareness, education, socialization, entertainment and agenda setting, including all kinds of oral, written and visual images.
  • Print Media refers to books, magazines, and newspapers including flyers, newsletters, and scholarly journals.
  • Johannes Gutenberg is a German craftsman and inventor who originated a method of printing from movable type.
  • printing press is considered a history-changing invention, making books widely accessible and ushering in an “information revolution.”
  • broadcast media included radio, film, and television.
  • Guglielmo Marconi invented what he called “the wireless telegraph” while experimenting in his parents’ attic. He used radio waves to transmit Morse code and the instrument he used became known as the radio.
  • Digital media included internet and mobile mass communication.
  • Martin Cooper made the first-ever cell phone in 1973 call on the DynaTAC 8000X.
  • Internet Media includes e-mail, internet sites, social media, internet – based video and audio.
  • Six Degrees is widely considered to be the very first social networking site.
  • Andrew Weinreich developed the six degrees website in 1996.
  • Marshall McLuhan wrote about the social changes brought about by television (Since he was writing around 1960s when the television became very popular).
  • Marshall McLuhan declared that the medium is the message, and different media amputate human senses. While new media can broaden the scope of communication, they may also diminish communicative abilities.
  • Marshall McLuhan is a Canadian Communications Theorist and Educator, and an English Literature Professor and University of Toronto Center for Culture and Technology Director.
  • watching TV drawn away people from other meaningful activities such as playing games and reading books.
  • papyrus started becoming more common in Egypt after 4th century BCE, which increasingly which meant that more people could write down their stories.
  • television makes the world a global village.
  • cultural imperialism occurs because of media globalization coupled with American Hegemony. It was even predicted that the American culture will overwhelm others.
  • culture refers to distinctive ideas, customs, social behavior, or way of life in certain society.
  • imperialism refers to a country's power and influence through colonization.
  • Herbert Schiller argued that not only was the world being Americanized, but this process also led to the spread of “American” capitalist values like consumerism.
  • cultural imperialism refers to the extension of influence or dominance of one nation's culture over others.
  • John Tomlinson writes “cultural globalization is simply a emphesism for “Western cultural imperialism” since it promotes “homogenized, westernized, consumer culture.”
  • Consumerism creates an economic system that encourages consumers to buy more through social pressure, advertising, and manipulation.
  • text simply refers to any content of medium.
  • Ien Ang is an Indonesian cultural critic studied the ways in which diff. viewers in the Netherlands experienced watching the American soap opera "Dallas"
  • Elihu Katz and Tamar Liebes supported Ang's analysis and said that audience view media texts in their own cultural lenses.
  • Failure in acknowledgement of the audience's role, and Renewed strength of regional values are the 2 main critiques of cultural imperialism.
  • Cyber Ghettoes refers as a home in cyberspace intended for underestimated individuals and marginalized ones.
  • Oda broke the Guinness World Record for most printed comic series by one author (via Guinness World Records).
  • Squid Game becomes most-watched Netflix (American-owned)
  • Sushi become one of the most popular international dishes over the last century.
  • Arab Spring Uprising is a wave of pro-democracy protests and uprisings that took place in the Middle East and North Africa beginning in 2010 and 2011, challenging some of the region’s entrenched authoritarian regimes.
  • Jasmine Revolution is a popular uprising in Tunisia that protested against corruption, poverty, and political repression in 2011.