
Cards (10)

  • what is Parkinson's
    it is a condition that that affects the brain and cause shaky hands and will progressively get worse over time. it is normally caused by the loss of nerve cells in the substantia nigra which is responsible for movement. when the nerves are lost there will be a reduction of dopamine production which is responsible for movement which will lead to motor issues one main problems of Parkinson's. it mainly affects people the age over 50 as the are less likely to regenerate as fast however some people might experience symptoms at 40.
  • tremors
    this is mainly due to the lack of dopamine in the body. as dopamine stops tremors by potentiating inhibitory mechanism in the cerebellar nucleus of the thalamus(ventral intermediate nucleus) which is an effective target for deep brain stimulus (DBS) to control symptoms related to essential tremors. so without dopamine tremors will occur.
  • Bradykinesia
    this is when patients are slower with their movement. This is mainly due toThe part of the brain that is affected is called the basal ganglia, facilitating subconscious (automatic) movements. However, Parkinson’s causes the brain cells in this deep circuitry to deteriorate, patients’ causing movements become slow and stiff
  • Rigidity
    this is when the muscles become stiffer. Reduced dopamine levels are thought to disrupt the balance between the muscles which extend and relax for each movement, resulting in rigidity.
  • Is the general practitioner suspect you might have to two types of specialist a neurologist and geriatrician (a specialist in problems that affect the elderly). The neurologist might do a DaTscan involves an injection of a small amount of a radioactive drug and a machine called a single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scanner, similar to an MRI. The drug binds to dopamine transmitters in the brain, showing where in the brain dopaminergic neurons are.
  • One of these therapies might physiotherapy as it will help with the stiff muscles and will make it earlier for patients to walk and other forms of movement. They will also show ways to move so that it is more comfortable.
  • Currently there is no cure for Parkinson’s however there are ways to relieve the symptoms of Parkinson’s. one of the main forms of treatment would be serval different types of therapies which will help with day-to-day support.
  • They might also have an occupational therapist which will be able to help people with dressing or going shopping as it might become harder for patients to do thing by themselves so this will be able to assist them.
  • They will also have a speech and language therapist as many patient have dysphagia (this is when they have difficulty swallowing) this is mainly due to the lack of dopamine. This can make it harder for them to speak properly so they need a speech therapist.  They might also give Levodopa which is absorbed by the nerve cells in your brain and turned into the chemical dopamine, which is used to transmit messages between the parts of the brain and nerves that control movement.
  • effect of levodopa
    it can cause tiredness and dizziness and might also cause patients to feel sick. But its effects can be less long-lasting over the following years – as more nerve cells in the brain are lost, there are fewer of them to absorb the medicine. Long-term use of levodopa is also linked to problems such as uncontrollable, jerky muscle movements (dyskinesias) and "on-off" effects, where the person rapidly switches between being able to move (on) and being immobile (off).