multiple sclerolsis

Cards (11)

  • what is multiple sclerosis
    it is a condition that can affect the brain and spinal cord causing a wide range of potential symptoms. MS is and autoimmune condition which means your immune system mistakes part of your body for a foreign substance and attacks it self. in MS it is the myelin sheath in the brain and spinal cord. the layer that surrounds your nerves protecting them and helping electrical signals to travel from the brain to the rest of your body.
  • what causes multiple sclerosis
    due the body attacking itself the nerve becomes inflamed in small patches (lesions). It can slow them down, jumble them, send them the wrong way, or stop them getting through completely. When the inflammation goes away, it can leave behind scarring of the myelin sheath (sclerosis).These attacks, particularly if frequent and repeated, can eventually lead to permanent damage to the underlying nerves.
  • fatigue
    Primary fatigue is caused by MS damage in the brain and spinal cord. And lots of processes might be involved. One idea from researchers is that passing messages around nerve damage takes extra energy. Secondary fatigue is caused by living with MS symptoms like pain, or disturbed sleep.
  • vision problems
    About half of people with MS at some time or other get a particular problem called optic neuritis. This is when your optic nerve becomes inflamed
  • numbness and tingling
    the immune system mistakenly attacks myelin, which is the protective coating that lines the nerves. This mean the pain receptors do not work properly
  • muscle spasms, stiffness and weakness
    If nerve signals between a muscle and the brain are interrupted by damage caused by MS, the muscle can remain in its shortened state, making the affected limb feel stiff or tight and often difficult to move
  • An MRI can show whether there's any damage or scarring of the myelin sheath (the layer surrounding your nerves) in your brain and spinal cord. Finding this can help confirm a diagnosis in most people with MS.
  • lumbar puncture or spinal tap
    is a procedure to remove a sample of your spinal fluid by inserting a needle into the lower back. Spina l fluid is the fluid that surrounds your brain and spinal cord, and changes in the fluid can suggest problems with the nervous system.. The sample is then tested for immune cells and antibodies, which is a sign that your immune system has been fighting a disease in your brain and spinal cord. This is normally done is the scans come out usually.
  • steroids
    Steroids can help speed up your recovery from a relapse, but they don't prevent further relapses or stop MS getting worse over time and are usually given for a short period of time. An MS flare is caused by inflammation in your nerves and myelin, the sheath of tissue around your nerves. Steroids help relieve your MS flare because they reduce the nerve inflammation. Steroids to treat MS flares are also called corticosteroids.
  • occupational therapist
    who will show them way to get dressed by them selves and if that is not possible, they will help to find them assistance to do it for them.
  • physiotherapist
    might show and do simple exercises do that the nerve can still be stimulated and doing this without causing further damage. They might also be prescribing medication for muscle spasms like baclofen which can help to stop them by acts on the spinal cord nerves and decreases the number and severity of muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis or spinal cord conditions.