Hercules and Nessus

Cards (18)

  • centaur
    a mythical creature whose upper body was that of a man and lower body was a horse
  • Nessus
    centaur in Greek mythology, who was killed by Heracles
  • What is the other place Hercules may be from?
  • What was the river Hercules had to cross with Deianira?
    river Euenus
  • How is Nessus initially described?

    'strong of limb
  • What is the original birth name of Hercules?
  • How does Hercules refer to Nessus?
    'twice formed
  • Founder of centaur race?
  • Nessus' father?
  • How does Hercules kill Nessus?
    shoot an arrow dipped in venom of Lernean Hydra
  • What does Nessus do as revenge?
    give Deianira his clock soaked in venom, telling her it will reignite waning love
  • How is Rumour described?
  • What is Rumour goddess of?

  • What did Rumour tell Deianira?
    Hercules was in love with Iola
  • Who is Iola?
    daughter of King Eurytheus
  • Who does Deianira refer to as 'that adulteress'?
  • What does Deianira give Hercules via the servant?
    shirt of Nessus (as she thinks it will restore his love)
  • Who is the servant that gives Hercules the cloak?