Terminal velocity

Cards (4)

  • Friction is always there to slow things down
    • If an object has no fore propelling it along it wil always sIow down and stop because of friction
    • Friction always acts in the opposite direction to movement
    • to travel at a steady speed, the driving force needs to balance out the frictional forces
    • you can reduce friction by using a lubricant
  • Drag increases as speed increases
    • Drag is the resistance? you get in a fluid
    • Air resistance is a type of drag
    • To reduce drag, keep the object streamlined
    • This is where the object is designed to allow fluid to flow easily across it, reducing drag. parachutes work in the opposite way
    • Frictional forces in fluids increase with speed
  • objects falling through fluids reach a terminal velocity
    • when a falling Object first Sets Off, the force of gravity is much more than the frictional force slowing it down, so it accelerates
    • As the speed increases, the friction builds up
    • this gradually reduces the acceleration until eventually, the frictional force is equal to the accelerating force
    • It will have reached its maximum speed or terminal velocity and will fall at a Steady speed
  • Terminal velocity depends on shape and area
    • less streamlined an object is the lower its terminal velocity
    • objects with large surface areas tend to have lower terminal velocities
    • so bigger objects are slower because there is more air resistance acting on them