8.2 relationships and connections

Cards (5)

  • Sheffield - Kelham island
    • former cutlery manufacturer and industries
    • now a museum
    • ex-industrial areas have been repurposed for modern uses and local businesses are supported
    • long history of pubs providing refreshment to the people who worked in steel works and factories and now there are many such as the fat cat
    • used industrial revolution and deindustrialisation to evolve into its present
    • aesthetic - artwork, mix of old and new buildings
  • external forces:
    • government policies
    • decisions of multinational corporations
    • impacts of global or international institutions
  • government policies:
    • directly affect the demographic characteristics e.g one child policy in China
    • cultural characteristics, controlling immigration e.g German government invited Turkish people to live and work in Germany
    • government fund schemes at regenerating towns e.g Hulme city challenge = increase population, created jobs and reduced unemployment
  • decisions of multinational corporation:
    • Decisions of TNC's can have major impact on the demographic, social and economic characteristics of places. e.g detroit massive economic boost, altered demographic by attracting large number of migrants
    • TNC's closed down or relocated to cheaper labour - massive population decline, hige reductions in employment and social deprivation
  • impacts of international or global institutions:
    • world food programme provides food assistance
    • wold bank that invests in and helps set up thousands of projects aimed to reduce poverty