Using materials

Cards (24)

  • Soda-lime glass
    Made of sand (silicon dioxide), sodium carbonate and limestone (calcium carbonate)
  • Borosilicate glass
    Made of boron trioxide and sand
  • Examples of clay ceramics
  • Clay ceramics are made by shaping wet clay at heated in a furnace
  • Clay ceramics are often coated by glaze, which forms a hard, smooth, opaque and waterproof layer
  • Low density poly(ethene)
    ->polymer chains are branched
    ->molecules are arranged randomly
  • High density poly(ethene)
    polymer chains are less branched
  • Thermosoftening plastics
    ->melt when heated
    ->can be recycled
    ->do not have covalent bonds between polymer molecules
    ->molecules can move over each other when heated
  • Thermosetting plastics
    ->do not melt
    ->char and burn when heated
    ->electric plugs
    ->has cross links between polymer molecules (covalent bond)
  • Composite material
    ->consists two or more materials with different properties
    ->combine to produce material with improved properties
  • Reinforcement
    fibres that go through the matrix material
  • Matrix
    substance that binds reinforcement together
  • reinforced concrete
    reinforcement: steel
    matrix: concrete
  • fibreglass
    reinforcement: glass fibres
    matrix: polymer resin
  • carbon fibre reinforced polymer
    reinforcement: carbon fibres
    matrix: polymer resin
  • chipboard
    reinforcement: wood chips
    matrix: resin glue
    ->contains randomly arranged wood chips so it is strong in all directions
  • Fibres in composites have low density and are strong in tension —>not easily stretched but flexible
  • wood
    reinforcement: cellulose
    matrix: lignin
    ->cellulose fibres are aligned alongside each other so wood is stronger on one side
  • Concrete: compressive strength > tensile strength
    Steel: tensile strength > compressive strength
    Reinforced concrete: strong in tension and in compression, strong and slightly flexible
  • Glass ceramics
    Appearance: transparent
    Melting point: high
    Brittle and stiff
    Ability to conduct heat and electricity? Poor
    Strength: relatively poor
  • Clay ceramics
    Appearance: opaque
    Melting point: high
    Stiff and brittle
    Ability to conduct heat and electricity? poor
    Strength: stronger under compression
  • Metals
    Appearance: shiny
    Melting point: high
    Ability to conduct heat and electricity? good
    Strength: strong
  • Plastics
    Appearance: various
    Melting point: usually lower
    Usually flexible
    Ability to conduct heat and electricity? poor
    Strength: relatively weak
  • Composites
    Appearance: usually opaque
    Melting point: high
    Usually stiff and brittle
    Ability to conduct heat and electricity? poor
    Strength: usually very strong