The brain is the mainorgan of the nervous system. It controls all the bodilyactivities and is responsible for interpretinginputs (called stimuli) from the outside world.
Made up of billions of neurons that form circuits and networks, which control the flow and information within nervous system
What the brain controls
Largest part of the brain, composed of right and left hemisphere, interpretstouch, vision, hearing, responsible for speech, reasoning, emotions, learning, small bodymovement
Located under the cerebrum, coordinates muscle movements and maintainscomposure and balance
Brainstem (medullaoblongata)
Acts as relaycenter between brain and spinal cord, responsible for automaticfunctioning like breathing, heart rate, body temperature, wake/sleep cycles, digestion, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, swallowing
Cerebrum four lobes
Frontal Lobe
Parietal Lobe
Occipital Lobe
Temporal Lobe
Largest lobe, responsible for personality, behavior, judgment, planning, problemsolving, intelligence, speech, bodymovement
Interprets language and words, aidsvisualrecognition and spatialrelationships, involved in pain and touch perception
Occipital Lobe
Involved in vision and movement
Temporal Lobe
Responsible for short-termmemory, speaking, musicalrhythm, some degree of smellidentification
Group of brain structures that helps in emotions, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, olfaction (smelling)
Helps in learning, memory, navigation, spatial perception, receives information from cerebralcortex, believed to have part of Alzheimer'sdisease
Linked to brain's reward system, stress, "fightorflight" reaction, governs emotion and memory
Sits above pituitarygland, transmits chemical messages to control its functions, regulates body temperature, synchronizes sleepcycles, hunger, thirst
Cingulate gyrus
Helps in regulation of emotion and behavior, regulating pain, controllingautonomicmotorfunctions
Basal ganglia
Controls voluntarymovements, aids in balance and posture
Plays important role in thinking
Limbic System
Has to do with emotions
Left brain
Logic, sequencing, language, rational thinking, mathematics, facts, thinking in words
Powerfulgraphictechnique that provides a universal key to unlock the brain's potential, uses all the brain skills - word, image, number, logic, rhythm, color, and spatial awareness
How to use a mind map as a learner
Taking notes
Presenting information
Boosting creativity
Research preparation
Reviewing a lesson
Steps in mind mapping
1. Start with main idea/subject and write it at center
2. Add branches for sub topics/themes
3. Color code branches and subtopics/themes
4. Include images, icons, and other visual aspects
Mind mapping has numerous benefits such as improving ability to learn meaningfully, helping in memorization and information retention, making complex things easier to understand, and increasing productivity and creativity
Anxiety Disorders - feelings of fear and uneasiness during certain situations that may worsen overtime and can affect a person’s daily life.