can be used to support functionalism as it assumes that society is based in value consensus and social solidarity
looks at why people don’t commit crime
believe that people are less likely to commit crimes as they have strong social bonds with others who encourage them to exercise self control and tie them to conformity
if bonds are weak, people turn to crime
hirschi- types of bonds
belief - sharing moral beliefs, norms, values = follows laws to reinforce it
hirschi - types of bonds
attachment - people are committed to conventional activities = must conform
hirschi - types of bonds
commitment - people are committed to each other and society = avoids crime
hirschi - types of bonds
involvement - people are involved with different groups = keeps then bust and no opportunity for crime
herschi and gottfredson
suggested that social bonds were not enough to explain why some people don’t commit crime and that opportunity to commit crime also matters
X doesn't explain why some people have weaker/stronger bonds than others
X ignores various types of crime and deviance
X assumes that individuals are all naturally bad
X can you have tight social bonds and still be deviant - labelling theory?
eg. mafia, gangs
X marxists - its unfair to blame marginalised people - they are victims of an unfair society which does not provide sufficient opportunities for work