must be told exactly what their personal data is being used for
Able to make a subject access request to have all their data collected on them from an organisation
The SAR must be giving within 40 days unless a valid reason
Possible fee payed for large amounts of data requested
Must identify themselves as only they can get data on themselves
What the data controller must do under the DPA
Ensure data security is strong with backups and tiered levels of access etc.
Staff should be trained to be aware of their responsibilities when having knowledge of personal data (not to share)
personal data is allowed to be deleted or changed by the data subject
Principles of the DPA
data must be collected lawfully and processed fairly
Collected data must only be used for the reason specified
Data must be relevant and not excessive
Data must be accurate and up-to-date
Data must not be kept longer than necessary
Data must be stored and processed securely
Organisations must state what they are using the data for
Personal data shouldnt be sharedwithout the consent of the data subject
What are the 3 stages of the computer misuse act?
No unauthorised access to data
No unauthorised access to data that could be used for further illegal activities
No unauthorised modification of data
What is the Freedom of Information Act
Allows people to request public authorities, like councils, unis and hospitals, to release information.
What is a freedom of information request
Under Freedom of information act, its a request for public authorities to release information. Must be formally submitted in a letter or email and reply must be within 20 days of request.
When cant a freedom of information request be allowed?
Too expensive or involves sensitive information protected by the DPA.
Who is RIPA more targeted at?
Public bodies
What does RIPA allow if criminal activity is suspected?
Surveillance to track the suspect (undercover police, bugs etc)
ISP's must provide access to suspects online communications
locked/encrypted data may be accessed
ISPs can install surveillance equipment or software to track online acitivity of suspect