Cards (42)

  • Pornography - comes from the Greek words “porne”, which means a harlot, prostitute or whore.
  • Graphos - writing or depiction.
  • Mackinon (1983) - Pornography is the celebration, the promotion, the authorization and the  legitimization of rape, harassment, battery and the abuse of children, for the
    sexual pleasure of men.
  • Pornography - eroticizes dominance and submission, of which rape, battery, sexual harassment, and the sexual and physical abuse of children. It employs the enforcement of other’s powerlessness.
  •  Russell (1993) - Pornography is a material that combines sex and/or the exposure of genitals with abuse or degradation in a manner that appears to endorse, condone, or encourage such behavior.
  • Steinem (1978) - Pornography’s message is “violence, dominance, and conquest. It is sex being used to reinforce some inequality, or to create one, or to tell us that pain and humiliation are really the same as pleasure.
  • Sexual Arousal - brought by the visual and literary pornography. Effect has been shown both mentally and physically.
  • Sexual Arousal - males and females are sexually aroused from material portraying nudity or sexual acts according to the research of Kinsey (1948).
  • Aggression - related to the idea of arousal that exposure to pornography leads men to greater levels of aggression towards women.
  • Aggression - Bandura (1973) hypothesized that emotional arousal would intensify aggressive behavior. A number of experimental studies have tested that hypothesis.
  • Desensitization -  Studies conducted by Donnerstein and Linz (1998) have found that prolonged exposure to so called “Slasher films” desensitizes viewers to violence against women.
  • Sexually violent films - that were originally anxiety provoking and
    depressing became less so with repeated exposure.
  • Desensitization effects were strongest among R-rated slasher films,
    which, while continuing sexual scene, were not pornographic.
  • Attitude towards Women - Exposure to pornography leads to antisocial attitudes about women.
  • Decline in Family Values- those massively exposed to pornography will become distrusting of their partners in extended relationship. There is also growing dissatisfaction with sexual reality.
  • According to Linz and Malamuth (1993) exposure to pornography fosters a lack of respect for social institutions such as the family and traditional sex roles for women.
  • Ideological Effects -  view grows out of the traditional feminist critique of patriarchy which finds that the oppression of women is an institutionalized and socially constructed tool which men use to maintain the status-quo.
  • Catharsis - Pornography prevents harmful effects like rape and other sex crimes.
  • Cathartic Effect of Pornography -  believed due to a substitution effect, by which potential sex offenders receive sexual gratification from pornographic content, rather than from criminal acts against individuals.
  •  Internet -  is an exciting new territory for many young people as well as adults especially if they use it in cybersex or computer sex.
  • Cybersex or computer sex -  virtual sex encounter wherein two or more persons are connected remotely via a computer network and send sexually explicit messages describing a sexual experience to one another.
  • Cybersex or  Computer sex -   form of role-playing wherein the participants pretend to have an actual sexual intercourse by describing what they are doing and by responding to their chat partners mostly in written form with the intention of motivating their own sexual feelings and fantasies.
  • Cybersex - could deteriorate the value of your youths. It is also a form of infidelity.
  • Internet Adultery - became the ground for divorce in the United States.
  • Child Abuse and Neglect - inter-generational problems. The perpetrators of abuse and neglect were most frequently victims of abuse and are profoundly damaged people.
  • Brains of Abused and Neglected Children - not as well integrated as the brains of non-abused children.
  • Early Interpersonal Experiences - have also a profound impact on the brain.
  • Child Abuse - maltreatment of a child, whether habitual or not.
  • Child Abuse - psychological and physical abuse, sexual abuse, cruelty, neglect and emotional maltreatment.
  • Child Abuse - act which could either be by words or deeds which debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a person.
  • Child Abuse - deprivation of the child’s basic needs unreasonably for survival. No medical treatment is given to an injured child which result in a serious impairment of his growth and development or in his permanent incapacity or death.
  • Sexual Abuse - any sexual act between an adult and a minor between two minors when one exerts power on the other.  An employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, coercion, of a child to engage in, or assist another person engage in sexual  intercourse or lascivious conduct, or the molestation, prostitution, or incest.
  • Battered Child Syndrome - child abuse and neglect.
  • Physical Abuse - act which results in non-accidental and/or unreasonable inflicting of physical injury to a child. It is also known as child battering.
  • Psychological Abuse - any harm to a child’s emotional or intellectual functioning through verbal assault, which includes but is not limited to cursing, belittling, rejecting, and other similar acts.
  • Deception - deprivation of children’s proper learning opportunity by giving them incorrect ideas and concepts. May develop an inclination to solve problems through violence, promiscuity, or drug abuse.
  • Child Trafficking - act of engaging in trading, and dealing with children including but not limited to, the act of buying and selling a child for money or for any consideration, or barter.
  • Neglect - deprivation of the child’s basic needs.
  • Child Labor - children below 15 years of age are employed, allowed, permitted to suffer from work in any public or private establishments not directly under the responsibility of their parents or guardians or employing minors without a work permit.
  • ILO Convention No. 138 - internationally recommended age of work is fifteen years old. Almost all the data available on child labor concerns the ten to fourteen age groups.