Working Memory Model

Cards (14)

  • The four components of the working memory model are: Central executive, phonological loop (inner voice), visuospatial sketchpad (inner eye) and episodic buffer
  • The main purpose of the central executive is to monitor incoming data and decide which information to process
  • Capacity in the central executive is very limited
  • The capacity of the visuospatial sketchpad is 3-4 items
  • Coding in the central executive is modality free (Not limited to a specific sense)
  • The phonological loop (inner voice) deals with auditory information and preserves the order in which info arrives
  • The phonological loop has two subcomponents; the articulatory control system and the phonological store
  • The articulatory control system involves rehearsing information by saying it over and over again
  • Capacity in the phonological loop (inner voice)is two seconds
  • Coding in the phonological loop (inner voice) is auditory
  • Coding in the visuospatial sketchpad (inner eye) is visual
  • A strength of the wmm is there is supporting evidence.
    For example, the case study of patient KF who suffered brain damage. KF had poor STM ability for verbal information but could process visual information normally presented visually.
    This supports the existence of a separate visual and acoustic store. However, evidence from brain-damaged patients may not be reliable as it concerns unique cases with patients who have had traumatic experiences.
  • A weakness of the wmm is the lack of clarity over the central executive.
    For example. Baddley himself recognised the central executive is the 'most important but the least understood component of the wmm'.
    This means the wmm hasn't been fully explained as the central executive needs to be more specified than just being simply 'attention'.
  • Compare the WMM to the MSM
    • WMM is a more advanced model than the msm
    • wmm is concerned with active processing, relevant in activities such as comprehension & mental arithmetic