Cards (14)

  • marketing mix has the 4Ps- product, price, place, and promotion
    • By understanding and manipulating the marketing mix, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors
  • promotion includes- sales promotion, advertising, public relations and direct marketing
  • product includes- features, quality, branding, packaging, services and warranty
  • place includes- channels, market coverage, assortment, location, inventory and transport
  • price - price strategy, pricing, allowance, discounts and payment times
  • design mix-  include functionaesthetics, and cost
  • Balancing the elements of function, aesthetics, and cost, helps the product design to be both functional and attractive, while also being cost-effective for both the manufacturer and the consumer
  • manufacturers may focus on one aspect, more than the others e.g. Asda own brand of ginger beer is produced at the lowest possible cost and sold to consumers at a very low price
  • A product's function is the most important aspect of its design because it determines how well the product will meet the needs of its intended users
    • Aesthetics refers to the product's visual and sensory appeal, including its form, shape, colour, and texture
    • The cost of production must be considered when designing a product, as it directly affects the price point at which it can be sold
    • Changes as a result of Concerns to Resource Depletion-
    • The product design mix may change to reflect waste minimisation, re-use, and recycling
  • Changes about Ethical Sourcing
    • Ethical sourcing means that products are produced without exploitation of workers or environmental damage
    • Companies may change their product design mix to incorporate sustainable materials and production processes