promotion and branding

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  • Promotion is an important element of the marketing mix as it plays a crucial role in generating customer awareness, interest and desire for a product/service
  • Promotion helps to build brand awareness and loyalty which can lead to repeat purchases and referrals
  • types of promotion - advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, sponsorship and digital communications
    • advertising- Promotion occurs through paid channels such as television, radio, print media-
    • It can reach large audiences and increase brand awareness
    • Can also be used to create a specific brand image or message
    • Can be expensive
    • Many customers tune out or ignore ads
  • DirectMarketing
    • Involves communicating directly with customers through email, text message, social media or post
    • Businesses can target specific audiences and personalise their message to individual customers
    • Can also be costly, especially if businesses do not have an established customer database or need to purchase leads
  • SalesPromotions Marketing techniques that encourage the purchase of a product or service by offering temporary incentives or discounts such as free samples, buy one get one free (bogof),
    • Can quickly boost sales or customer engagement
    • Can help to clear out stock or promote a new product
    • May reduce the sales of full-priced products
  • PersonalSelling
    • Occurs when a salesperson interacts with potential customers one-on-one
    • Allows businesses to build relationships with their customers and understand their specific needs
    • Can be expensive due to the cost of hiring and training sales staff
  • Sponsorship
    • This is an agreement in which a company provides financial or other support to an
    • Can support specific business objectives, such as entering new markets or reaching new customers
    • May be subject to negative publicity if the sponsored entity experiences a scandal or controversy
  • PublicRelations (PR)
    • The business seeks to build relationships with the public and manage their reputation
    • Public relations activities can include media relations, crisis management and community outreach
    • This can lead to increased customer loyalty and sales
    • PR can be time-consuming and is difficult to measure the direct impact of PR activities on the profits of a profits
  • Digital Communications
    • Refer to any form of marketing or communication that is delivered electronically, such as social media, search engine optimisation
    • Can provide real-time engagement and feedback from customers
    • May require significant investment in technology or data infrastructure
    • May be subject to data privacy regulations or security breaches
  • Branding is the process of creating a unique and identifiable name, design, symbol, or other feature that differentiates a product/service or company from its competitors
  • Branding is important to a business for a variety of reasons:
    • Branding establishes recognition and identity
    • Branding builds trust and credibility
    • Branding differentiates a business from its competitors
  • 3 types of branding- product branding, own brand product and manufacture or corporate branding
  • Manufacturer/Corporate branding
    • This refers to the use of a company name or logo to promote all the products or services offered by the company
    • Creates a strong brand recognition and reputation for the company, which can increase customer loyalty and trust
    • Helps to build economies of scale by promoting multiple products under one brand, which can reduce marketing costs and increase profitability
    • If a company's reputation is damaged by a product it can have a negative impact on all the products offered under that brand
  • Product branding
    • This refers to the use of a unique name, design, or symbol to promote a specific product
    • Creates a distinct identity for the product which can help to differentiate it from competitors and increase brand loyalty
    • The cost of creating and promoting a new brand for each product can be expensive
    • Different products within the brand may have different levels of quality which can affect customer satisfaction
  • Own brand product
    • Own brand or private label branding refers to the use of a retailer's name to promote a specific product or service and is often used by supermarkets
    • It allows retailers to offer products at a lower cost than branded products which can help to increase sales and profitability
    • Own brand products may have a lower perceived quality than branded products which can affect customer loyalty and trust
  • Strong branding can add value to a product by creating a perception of quality, reliability, and trust
  • Customers may be willing to pay more for a product that is associated with a well-established brand
  • Strong branding can also reduce the price elasticity of demand for a product (customers are less sensitive to price changes). This is because customers who are loyal to a brand are more likely to continue purchasing the product even if the price increases
  • ways brands have been built- Unique selling points (USPs), Advertising, Sponsorship, Social Media
    • USPs are the features that make a product/service stand out from its competitors
    • Brands can build their reputation by emphasising these unique qualities
  • Advertising
    • Brands can create compelling ads that resonate with their target audience, raise brand awareness,
  • Sponsorship
    • Partnering with events, organisations, or individuals can help brands gain exposure and build their reputation
  • Social Media
    • With the right social media strategy, brands can build a loyal following and create a community around their brand
    • Businesses which respond quickly to changing social trends can better meet the needs of their customers
  • Viral marketing
    • Is a strategy where businesses use online platforms to promote their products by creating content at specific times, which can easily be shared and commented on
  • Social media
    • As social media platforms evolve, businesses must also adapt their social media strategies to keep up with the latest trends
  • Emotional branding is a strategy where companies build strong emotional connections with their customers by appealing to their values, beliefs, and emotions