Tides and lowenergyenvironments facilitate sink reigons as they allow for sediment to collect and form
This forms spits, mudflats and sand dunes (At Spurn head in the case of Holderness a spit is formed)
What type of Geology exists at holderness?
Resistant chalk and boulder clay —> Which leads to differential rates of erosion
What are the physical factors that can speed up rates of erosion at a Coastline?
Winter storms - produce stronger waves and storm surges which temporarily raises sea levels
Winter storms also mean more rainfall which heightens sub aerial
PARTICULARLY AT HOLDERNESS - Dominant waves are from NorthEast which is also the direction of Longshore drift —> In a stormy year, waves from the North Sea can remove between 7 and 10m of coastline
Economic impacts of the rapidly receding Holderness coast
The GasTerminal in Easington (Along Holderness Coast) supplies 25% of Britainsgas and is at risk
In 1993 140mm of rain in 2 months led to the collapse of the £2millionHolbeckHotel
Inability to insure —> Puts locals and council at economic loss
Loss of amenity value = economic losses to bussinesses as area becomes unnatractive and depopulated - abandoned buildings, damaged roads etc
Social impacts of rapidly receding Holderness coast
30 villages lost since Roman times - possibly with Historical value - Homes & Businesses
Reliance on tourism combined with beach becoming inaccesible = lack of employment opportunities
Properties under threat of erosion lose all their value —> Homeowners not compensated
Environmental impacts of rapidly receding Holderness coast
Wildlife behind Spurn point (A spit and sinkreigon on Holderness coast) is losing diversity - environment cannot support many species as it is sedimentstarved
Some SSIs (Sites of special interest) are threatend by erosion
Unnattractive environment - cliffcollapse, failingsea defences and blocked roads/paths