SupremeCourtruling that saidSegregation was legal if "Separatebutequal"
Supreme Court is the highest and mostimportantcourt in the USA
Literacy Test
Black's had to prove they couldreadinorder to vote
Employers would preventblacks from registeringtovote and would threaten to sack them if they triedtovote
Black's were prevented from voting in the South
Discrimination faced by African Americans
Lived in ghettos
In the South,Whites and Blacks were separated in the "Jim Crow" laws
Reasons why Civil rights movement began
TheCold War
Southern city's grow
New ideas
Civil rights Groups
NAACP wanted equalpolitical,Social,educational and economicrights, and used courtstoachievethis
SNCC was universityWhite+blackstudents who fought to desegregate using non-violent tactics
CORE used non-violent methods like Sit ins to highlight Segregation
SCLC fought to endSegregation using non-violent methods, organisedthroughSouthernBlackChurches
Opposite Groups
KKK: persecuted/lynched anyone who was not white, many members were in the police or court System
WCC: was a local group of White Supremacist across the South, made up of local politicians and members who wanted to prevent black people from intergrating and to keep them Segregation
Dixiecrats: were Democrats politicians who opposed any desegregation laws
Emmett Till, a 14yearsoldboyvisiting his cousininmississippi, is murdered. The accusedwalkedfree.
Montgomery Bus Boycotts causes
Short term: Rosa Parks, arrested for not giving up her Seat on a bus
Long term: Jo Ann Robinson + WPC had fought to end Segregation on the buses
Causes of Montgomery Bus Boycotts
Shortterm:RosaParksarrested for not giving up her seat on a bus
Longterm:JoAnnRobinsonandWPC had fought to endsegregation on the buses
Reasons for success of MontgomeryBusBoycotts
Publicity: first day of boycott - leaflets,churchservices, MIAlinksto the press and blacks
Organisation:MIAorganisedeverything from publicity and carpools to help those get to work
Commitment:Boycotterssufferedthreats,lossofjobsandearnings, going to jailandbombings
AnnRobinson +WPC led calls for changes to the Seatrule + requestingblack men to be employed as bus drivers
Rosa Parks, arrested for refusing to move seats
Calls for a 1dayboycott. The mongomery Improvement Association is Setup. (MIA)
Firstcarpools begin to enable people to travel
NAACPfiledBrowdervsGayleagainstbus Segregation
1st Feb 1956
Supremecourtupholdsdecisions and the MIAStops the boycott, Boycott had lasted381days
20th Dec 1956
CivilrightsactallowedfederalCourts to prosecutestates that prevented all peoplevoting