The bimah is the Readingplatform where the Torah is read
Discrimination is treating someone unfairly due to prejudices
An acclamation is a part of the mass that’s is sung which praises and celebrates God
The Ner Tamid is the everburninglight in the synagogue
vocation is a calling from God to perform a certain role
Four marks of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic
Apostolic succession means the authority from the Apostles have been passeddown to the Pope and bishops, as they are successors to the apostles
The Shema is a prayer that is said daily
The nature of Marriage: Sacred, Permanent, Exclusive, Loving and Life-giving
The Amidah is the standing prayer
Three purposes of sex: Procreative, Unitive and Marital
The analogy Paul uses for the resurrection: ”a seed and a plant”
cosmic reconciliation is when creation will be reconciled and in harmony with God at the end of time
Righteous anger is anger against injustice to bring about justice
What is the ability paul used to describe the resurrection?
Seed- earthly body
Plant- resurrected body
What are the stations of the cross?
They are a form of dramatised prayer that show jesus’ resurrection
what does pesach remember?
the exodus- when the angel of death killed the first born sons of Israel. The slaves paintied lambs blood on their doors which the angel skipped over their houses
how can catholics prepare for the end of time?
confessing sins, having faith
what are the last rites?
prayers and blessings that give hope and strength to a dying or sick person
what did jesus leave his disciples with at the last supper?
”peace i leave you, my peace i give you”
how is the conscience developed?
through education by the church teachings
what is the conscience?
a moral guide and voice of God
“inner voice of god in a man”
what was St Irenaus‘ salvation metaphor?
Tree of knowledge brought sin into the world
But through Jesus crucifixion (cross made from tree of knowledge), he saved us from our sins- removed sin
what was St Anselm‘s salvation metaphor?
Humans broke the relationship
Humans were slaves to Orginal Sin
Through Jesus he paid the ransom and restored the relationship
what is the prater posture that acknowledges the presence of Christ?