Cards (11)

  • anxiety has strong emtional and physical effects
    it isnt clear if this has a positive or negative effect on eye witness testimony
  • negtaive effect - weapon focus
    anxiety creates physiological arousal in the body which prevents us paying attention so recall is worse
  • johnson and scott - weapon focus
    participants believed they were taking part in a lab study, they sat in a waiting room
    low anxiety condition - heard causal conversation then saw a man walk past with a pen
    high anxiety condition - heard a heated argument then saw a man walk past with a blood covered knife
  • Johnson and Scott - weapon focus
    participants had to identify the man they saw from 50 pictures
    low anxiety - 49% could
    high anxiety - 33% could
    tunnel theory of memory, people have enhanced memory for central events. Weapon focus as a result of anxiety can have this effect
  • positive effects- fight or flight
    witnessing a stressful event creates anxiety
    this causes the fight or flight response to be triggered, which increases alertness
    this may improve memory of the event
  • Yuille and cutshall - fight or flight
    conducted study on an actual school in a gun shop in Vancouver, shop owner shot a thief dead
    13 of 21 witnesses participated
    they were interviewed 5 months after the incident and these were compared with original police interviews
  • Yuille and cutshall - fight or flight
    accuracy was determined by number of details reported
    witnesses also had to rate how stressed they felt
    participants who reported being the most stressed had an 88% accuracy compared to 75% accuracy of less stressed participants
    this suggests that anxiety doesn’t have a detrimental effect on accuracy of eyewitness testimonies in real world situations and may actually enhance it
  • explaining the contradictory findings
    Yerkes and dodsons law
    when we witness a crime we become emotionally and physically aroused
    lower levels of anxiety produce lower recally accuracy, memory is more accurate as anxiety increases
    however there is an optimal anxiety level which is the point of maximum accuracy, if there is more arousal then recall will suffer
  • A limitation of the negative effect study is that it may not have tested anxiety
    pickel conducted an experiment using scissors, a handgun, a wallet or a chicken as the handheld items in a hairdressing salon
    Eyewitness accuracy was significantly poorer in the high unusualness conditions, chicken and handgun
    So the reason the participants focused on the weapon may have been because they were surprised at what they saw rather than scared
  • A strength is the support for negative effects
    Study used an objective measure which was heart rate to divide participants into high and low anxiety groups
    In this study, anxiety clearly disrupted the participants ability to recall details about the actor in the London dungeons labyrinth
    This suggests that a high level of anxiety does have a negative effect on the immediate eyewitness recall of a stressful event
  • A strength is support for positive effects
    58 witnesses of an actual bank robbery in Sweden were interviewed
    some were directly involved so experienced high anxiety, and someone indirectly involved so experienced less anxiety
    Recall was the most accurate for those directly involved
    however, they were interviewed between 4 and 15 months after the event, so the researchers had no control over what happened to the participants in the intervening time like post event discussion, so there was a lack of control over confounding variables