Challenges to Elizabeth 1569-88

Cards (46)

  • Who were the northern Earls. what do they want
    Catholic Nobles who felt they were losing influence under the protestant government. They want to keep England as a Catholic country and put Mary QoS on the throne
  • What were the four reasons for the revolt of the northern Earls
    Power, Money, Security, Religion
  • What was the plot of the revolt of the northern Earls
    Mary QoS to marry the Duke of Norfolk, get Elizabeth off the throne and Mary onto it.
  • Who heard about the revolt of the northern Earls and told Elizabeth what would happen
    Robert Dudley
  • Who led the revolt of the northern Earls
    the Earl of Northumberland and the Earl of Westmorland
  • What were the events of the revolt of the northern Earls
    1. Dudley informs Elizabeth of the plot. The Earls go ahead anyway.
    2. The Earl of Northumbrland and the Earl of Westmoreland capture Durham Cathedral, and hold Catholic mass there.
    3. Elizabeth moves Mary to Coventry, to stop her escaping to join the rebels
    4. The support from Spain that they were expecting never arrived, and the revolt was put down.
    5. Northumberland and Westmorland flea, 400 of their troops are executed by order of the Queen
  • explain the significance of the revolt of the northern Earls
    - showed Mary Queen of Scots could not be trusted, so she remains in prison
    - the Pope excommunicated Elizabeth in 1570 in the Papal Bull and called on further Catholic plots against her
    - everyone Suspects English Catholics of plotting, so Elizabeth doesn't ignore as much of the stuff as she did before, and acts harshly on them
    - England's Catholics are in a week of position and can't stage another open revolt
    - Elizabeth control over the north of England is strengthened
  • What were the events of the ridolfi plot 1571?
    1. Ridolfi wants to replace Elizabeth with Mary QoS, and want her to marry the Duke of Norfolk
    2. Ridolfi meets with the Pope, Philip II of Spain and the Duke of Alba and discussed Norfolk's Catholicism and support for Phillip
    3. Cecil discovers the plot
    4. Elizabeth signs Norfolk's Death Sentence, but still won't kill Mary
  • What was the name of the plot that happened in 1571
    The ridolfi plot
  • Significance of the ridulfi plot
    - demonstrated threat from Spain
    - laws past that made it illegal to convert people to Catholicism
    - finds increased for recusancy and other Catholic practices
    - Elizabeth relationship with Parliament is weakened, as she decided not to kill Mary QoS
  • What were the events of the throckmorton plot of 1583
    1. Mary's cousin, the Duke of Guise, wants to put Mary on the throne and invade England
    2. Phillip II promises Spanish financial support for the plot. The papal also approves.
    Throckmorton is the person who passes letters between Duke of Guise and Mary
    3. The letters are discovered by Walsingham's Spies in Throckmorton's house. He is tortured, made to confess, and executed
  • What plot happened in 1583
    The throckmorton plot
  • Significance of the throck morton plot
    - continue to Catholic threat in England demonstrated
    - continued potential for France and Spain to conspire against Elizabeth
    - surveillance of Catholics increase, as a result, many flee the country or are imprisoned - 11000 are under sevelance
    - an act of Parliament in 1585 made helping Catholic priests punishable by death
  • Events of the Babington plot 1586
    1. Aimed to assassinate Elizabeth and put Mary on the throne
    2. Babington, a Catholic corresponded with Mary about the plot, but his letters were intercepted by walsingham's spies.
    3. Babington is tortured and killed
  • Significance of the Babington Plot
    - Mary is executed Finaly!
    - tensions between spain and england rediculoudly high
    - 11000 catholics put under survelance (house arrest or prison)
  • Why did many of walsingham's informants work for him
    To avoid the Threat of torture or execution, and they were often paid
  • What did walsingham do with his spies, to avoid their letters being intercepted and read

    Used elaborate codes to disguise the messages
  • Which plot led to the execution of Mary QoS
    The Babington Plot
    also, mary had been involved in all the others before , building uo the tension.
  • What was the significance of Mary's execution
    - removed a legitimate successor, so Catholics are more worried about a possible Civil War after Elizabeth's death, as she has no heir
    - greatly angers Philip II, who was already planning to invade...
  • What was the religious rivalry between Spain and England
    - of course, England is Protestant, Spain is Catholic
    - Philip II, backed by the Pope, sees protestantism as a threat to the authority of the Catholic Church. Equally, English Protestants sea Spain and Catholicism as a threat
    Philip II becomes involved in Catholic plots against Elizabeth because of these factors
  • What was the political rivalry between England and Spain
    - Spain is the most powerful country in the world and has the biggest Empire in the Americas, Netherlands and Italy.
    - Elizabeth has ambitions for an empire to rival Spain.
    - Elizabeth blames Philip II for Throckmorton and Ridolfi plots
  • Couldn't Elizabeth compete with Spain's exploration of the world when she first came into reign
    She was in large debt - 300,000 pounds
  • Why were Spain commercially strong
    They had colonized the new world (the Americas) so hard trade there, and had made lots of money from it
    They also controlled Antwerp in the Netherlands. An important gateway into the European trading markets
  • Who was Sir Francis Drake
    English merchant and sailor
    Second person to ever circumnavigate the globe
    Privateer (privately funded sailor)
    Invested into by Queen Elizabeth
  • What did Sir Francis Drake do
    Harassed Spanish ships and colonies, took their treasure and encouraged Dutch rebels to attack Spanish ships.
    • In only one raid, in 1572, Sir Francis Drake captured £40,000 in Spanish silver
  • How much money did Sir Francis Drake take in only one raid from 1572
    £40,000 of spanish silver
  • What was the result of drake's actions
    - Spain are threatened by the success of Drake's circumnavigation
    - Philip II directly insulted and angered, as Elizabeth Knights Drake showing her approval
    - takes lots of Spanish treasure, so Spain struggle to pay its troops in the Netherlands and fund more exploration
    > £40,000 of silver taken from one raid in 1572
  • What was happening in the Netherlands in 1585-88 that angered Elizabeth
    Dutch protestants in Spanish controlled territories of the Netherlands were rebelling (Elizabeth likes this).
    The Duke of Alba (Spanish Noble) organizes violent campaigns to try and reassert control (Elizabeth doesn't like this)
  • What did Elizabeth do to help the Protestant Rebels in the Netherlands
    - initially, she used indirect methods to support the Dutch...
    > financial support to the rebels
    > encouraged Protestant to Sea Beggars (Nobles who opposed the Spanish) and Sir Francis Drake to harass Spanish ships
    then, directly...
    - signed the Treaty of Nonsuch in 1585. this stated...
    > England would pay for an army of 7,400 English soldiers led by Robert Dudley, the Earl of Leicester
  • How are the English army involved in the protestant rebellion in the Netherlands
    - 7,400 troops sent to the Netherlands to hopefully remove the Spanish from the Netherlands totaly.
    > Elisabeth still wishes to negotiate with Spain, so she only gives a limited army.
    - Dudley was unable to defeat the Spanish forces, but did secure the port of Ostend.
  • What did Philip do in response to the Treaty of Nonsuch
    Saw it as a Declaration Of War
    Started building a great invasion fleet called the Armada
  • What did Elizabeth order when she knew about Philip II building up the Armada
    Ordered Drake to attack Cadiz - ' the synging of the King of spain's beard'
  • What happened on Drake's attack on Cadiz (the synging of the King of Spain's beard). What year was this. What was the effects of the event

    Drake destroys 30 ships and much of the fleet's supplies
    He also captured the 'San Filipe' ship, with many valuable supplies that would provide England with wealth.
    - the attack delayed the construction of the Armada by a year, giving England more time to prepare for the Spanish invasion
  • Name four long-term reasons for the Spanish Armada
    1. To remove Elizabeth from the throne, and put a Catholic monarch on the throne. Backed by the Pope who offered absolution (religious forgiveness).
    2. Angered by England's involvement in the Netherlands
    angered by Drake's piracy
    3. England ambition to expand into new overseas territories threatened Spanish exploration
    4. All three plots to replace Elizabeth with Mary had failed
  • Name four short term reasons for the Spanish Armada
    1. Treaty of Nonsuch 1585 seen as a Declaration Of War
    2. Spanish success in the Netherlands, led by the Duke of Parma gave Philip an opportunity to use Parma's same troops to invade England.
    3. Philip is now king of Portugal, so as more money and more ships and more ports
    4. In Elizabeth's initial reluctance to kill Mary signifies to Philip that she is weak. This encourages his plans for the Invasion
  • When was the Treaty of Nonsuch signed
  • What was Philip II's strategy for the Spanish Armada
    1. Orders the Armada (130 ships and 2,331 guns) to sail along the English Channel to the Netherlands
    2. From there, they will join forces with Spanish troops under the Duke of Parma, and transport 27,000 troops to Kent
    3. The Spanish army would then attack London, and Elizabeth's reign and establish a new Catholic government
  • What is Absolution?
    Religious forgiveness from God. This was offered when the pope backed the Spanish invasion of England using the Armada
  • How many ships and guns did to the Armada have
    130 ships, 2,431 guns
  • It seemed inevitable that the Armada would succeed, but what four factors led to its defeat
    - Bad Spanish planning
    - Drake's raid on Cadiz (the sinjin of the King of Spain's beard)
    - English naval tactics
    - bad weather
    - technology on English ships