psychological development through psychosexual stages where libido fixates on different area of body
frustration and overindulgence
not resolved and needs not met
more than satisfied so too comfortable
Oral stage fixation (0-18 months)
frustration: pessimism, sarcasm, envy
overindulgence: optimism, gullibility, neediness
Anal stage outcomes (18 mo- 3 yrs)
Frustration:stubborn, possessive, overly tidy
Overindulgence: messy, disorganised, reckless
phallic stage outcomes (3-5yrs)
self assured, vain, problems building relationships and problems with sexuality
Assumption: tripartite personality
Id-impulsive and unconscious, present at birth, demands immediate satisfaction - pleasure principle
Ego- Rational, develops at age 2, balances demands of Id. -reality principle
Super ego- right and wrong,develops at age 4. Idea of his or her ideal self, perfects and civilises behaviour. Learn through identification with parents -morality principle
-Ego resolves conflict between id and super ego considering consequences
Assumption- unconscious mind
Conscious mind is logical and makes up 20%
unconscious pleasure seeking, cannot be directly accessed but can indirectly through dreams
determines behaviour , motivating us through unconscious emotional drives
unresolved conflicts have a powerful effect
Oedipus complex and relationships
(Desire for mother and sees father as rival) Identification with father resolves this so boys can develop normal healthy friendships and heterosexual realtionships
if unresolved, homosexuality and problems in relationships may occur (according to Freud)
oral stage and relationships
overindulgence leads to dependency on others so may be needy
phallic stage and relationships
Fixation leads to inability to love another person or enter a relationship
Defence mechanisms and relationships
May used to avoid anxiety around unpleasant emotions from past
In denial about sexuality->form relationships, not in line with true feelings -dysfunctional and will break down
Dishonesty in relationships->rationalisation
Ego, defence mechanisms
Displacement- move impulses from one person/object to another
Projection-undesirable thoughts attributed to someone else
Repression- push, painful, memories, deep into unconscious so they are forgotten
Weakness: determinist
Underestimate uniqueness of people and ability to choose destiny-> remove the responsibility
Adult behaviour, determined by childhood experience
No free-> excuse to behave unreasonably or excuse criminal behaviour
Weakness: reductionist
Approach may be holistic, but also reductionist as mechanistic
Behaviour due to mechanics of the mind-> ignores, biochemistry and genetics
Strength: holistic
Reflect complexity of human behaviour, taking into account multiple factors
Uncovers, deep meanings and acknowledges that understanding behaviour is a lengthy process
Highlights importance of childhood in development
Freud 1st to recognise psychological factors can explain physical symptoms
wide use of psychoanalyisis
Understand mental health issues-> child, trauma/unresolved conflict
Strength : nature and nurture
Acknowledges both
Nature: personality as a product of innate drives id instinctual-> driven by Eros and Thanatos
Nurture: childhood experience is key-> fixation of libido predicts, and defines adult personality
Weakness: unfalsifiable
Cannot prove theory only falsify
Notoriously, slippery, i.e. all men have repressed homosexual tendencies, can’t be falsified as it would be repressed