DNA structures and function

Cards (13)

  • Who are the 3 major people involved in the discovery of DNA structure
    James Watson
    Francis Crick
    Rosalyn Franklin
  • What is a Nucleotide
    It is the monomer of DNA ( Deoxyribonucleic acid )
  • What are the bases of a Nucleotide
    Purine ( Adenine and Guanine )
    Pyrimidine ( Cytosine and Thymine )
  • State the base pairing rule
    The base pairing rule states that the nitrogen bonds are attached together with hydrogen bonds. This ensures the bases are bonded together in such an order that Adenine binds to Thymine ( A-T ) and Cytosine binds to Guanine ( C-G )
  • What are complimentary strands
    Complimentary strands are two strands of DNA that are paired together.
  • What is DNA replication
    DNA replication is also known as semi-conservative replication, where new DNA strands are formed from preexisting strands already in the cell.
  • Explain how DNA replication works
    A double stranded DNA unzips, free floating nucleotides attach to the exposed strands that result, and they form complimentary strands in the cell
  • Where and when does DNA replication takes place
    DNA replication occurs in the S ( synthesis ) phase in the inter phase of the cell cycle. It takes place in nucleus or eurakorytes
  • Why is DNA replication necessary?
    Genetic inheritance, DNA replication is necessary because it ensures the DNA of a cell is copied before cell division, this ensures genetic continuity
  • What is the function of DNA
    It holds genetic information
  • Gene
    it is a section of DNA that codes something the cells need to make
  • Chromatin
    DNA strands in the nucleus of a cell before cell division occurs
  • Chromosomes
    Chromosomes are units or strands of DNA that are compressed together. Chromosomes can be one condensed strand of DNA or 2 identical strands attached together