key concepts

Cards (81)

  • Subacute productive cough, foul-smelling sputum, night sweats → ?lung abscess
  • Small cell lung carcinoma secreting ACTH can cause Cushing's syndrome
  • Parathyroid hormone-related protein secretion (PTHrP) is a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with squamous cell lung cancer
  • Azithromycin prophylaxis is recommended in COPD patients who meet certain criteria and who continue to have exacerbations
  • Consider granulomatosis with polyangiitis when a patient presents with ENT (e.g. saddle shaped nasal deformity), respiratory and kidney involvement
  • Hypercalcaemia + bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy → ? sarcoidosis
  • Following weight loss, CPAP is the first-line treatment for moderate/severe obstructive sleep apnoea
  • 30-40 year old with basal emphysema and abnormal LFTs → ? alpha-1 antitrypsin
  • In primary pneumothorax that has either shortness of breath or >2cm rim of air, aspiration should be attempted
  • Adult with asthma not controlled by a SABA - add a low-dose ICS
  • Adults with suspected asthma should have both a FeNO test and spirometry with reversibility
  • Small cell lung carcinoma secreting ACTH can cause Cushing's syndrome
  • Mining occupation, upper zone fibrosis, egg-shell calcification of hilar nodes → ? silicosis
  • COPD - still breathless despite using SABA/SAMA and no asthma/steroid responsive features → add a LABA + LAMA
  • Polycythaemia (increased haematocrit) is a complication of COPD
  • Moderate asthma PEFR 50-75% best or predicted
  • A negative result on spirometry does not exclude asthma as a diagnosis, and should be further investigated
  • Localised disease is an indication for surgery in bronchiectasis
  • Tuberculosis typically causes upper zone pulmonary fibrosis
  • When using an inhaler, for a second dose you should wait for approximately 30 seconds before repeating
  • Mining occupation, upper zone fibrosis, egg-shell calcification of hilar nodes → ? silicosis
  • Pneumoconiosis is a restrictive lung condition. Therefore spirometry results will commonly show a normal or slightly reduced FEV1 and a reduced FVC
  • COPD - still breathless despite using SABA/SAMA and asthma/steroid responsive features → add a LABA + ICS
  • Gynaecomastia - associated with adenocarcinoma of the lung
  • Patients diagnosed with pneumonia who have COPD should be given corticosteroids even if no evidence of the COPD being exacerbated
  • The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is used in the identification of obstructive sleep apnoea
  • Pleural plaques are benign and do not undergo malignant change. They, therefore don't require any follow-up.
  • Klebsiella most commonly causes a cavitating pneumonia in the upper lobes, mainly in diabetics and alcoholics 
  • Pneumothorax can occur following high pressure non-invasive ventilation
  • Severe asthma RR > 25/min
  • Coal workers' pneumoconiosis typically causes upper zone fibrosis
  • COPD: Discontinue SAMA (switch to SABA) if commencing LAMA
  • Children aged 5-16 years should have both spirometry and a bronchodilator reversibility (BDR) test to diagnosis asthma
  • COPD - still breathless despite using SABA/SAMA and no asthma/steroid responsive features → add a LABA + LAMA
  • NIV should be considered in all patients with an acute exacerbation of COPD in whom a respiratory acidosis (PaCO2>6kPa, pH <7.35 ≥7.26) persists despite immediate maximum standard medical treatment
  • Pulmonary fibrosis causes restrictive spirometry picture (FEV1:FVC >70%, decreased FVC) and impaired gas exchange (reduced TLCO)
  • Statins must be temporarily held when prescribing a macrolide antibiotic due to the increased risk of rhabdomyolysis when combing the two drugs
  • Lower zones lung fibrosis: amiodarone
  • Azithromycin prophylaxis is recommended in COPD patients who meet certain criteria and who continue to have exacerbations
  • A SABA or SAMA is the first-line pharmacological treatment of COPD