Cards (30)

  • enzyme An organic catalyst is a(n)
  • esophagus The organ that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach is the
  • gastr/o The word root for the stomach is
  • intestine The word root enter/o refers to the
  • peristalsis The wave-like action that moves substances through an organ is called
  • absorption The process of moving digested nutrients from the intestine into the circulation is called
  • liver The organ that secretes bile is the
  • galbladder Cholecystitis is inflammation of the
  • kidney The organ that forms urine is the
  • urethra The tube that carries urine out of the body is the
  • red blood cells The hormone erythropoietin stimulates production of
  • breathing Micturition is the scientific term for
  • urinary bladder With reference to the urinary system, the root cyst/o means
  • kidney Nephritis is inflammation of the
  • dialysis Separation of substances by passage through a membrane is termed
  • diuretic A substance that promotes urinary output is a(n)
  • spermatozoon The male germ cell, or gamete, is the
  • testis Gametes develop in a gonad, which in males is called the
  • testosterone The main male sex hormone is
  • semen The secretion that transports gametes in males is
  • prostate The gland below the bladder in males is the
  • testis Orchitis is inflammation of the
  • ovary The female gonad is the
  • estrogen and progesterone The two ovarian hormones are
  • contraception Use of artificial methods to prevent fertilization is termed
  • embryo During the first two months of growth, the developing offspring is called a(n)
  • placenta The structure that nourishes the developing fetus is the
  • lactation Production of milk is technically called
  • uterus The roots metr/o and hyster/o mean
  • congenital Any disorder present at birth is described as