Cards (11)

  • What were the October Reforms? Name 2 ideas created. 
    -Recommendations by Ludendorff that ended autocratic rule 
    -Appointed Max of Baden as Chancellor 
    -Armed forces put under government’s control 
  • What was the Peace Note? 
    A letter Prince Max wrote to President Wilson in October asking for an armistice. 
  • What impact did the Peace Note have on soldiers and sailors? 
    Many soldiers and sailors lost respect for their officers and the beginning of naval mutiny.  
  • What actions did the SPD take during the November Revolution? Name 1. 
    -9th November, SPD called for workers to join a strike against the Kaiser 
    -SPD threatened to withdraw support from Prince Max’s government unless the Kaiser abdicated 
  • What actions did Prince Max take in reaction to the SPD?  
    Prince Max had announced the abdication and resigned himself. 
  • Who gained the role of Chancellor from Prince Max and when? 
    Friedrich Ebert, leader of the SPD, on the 9th November – the day it was announced that Germany was a republic.  
  • What is the Reichstrat? 

    The second chamber of German parliament, each state represented in proportion to its population and could provide advice on laws but overridden by Reichstag. 
  • What was the Ebert-Groener Pact? 
    Groener told Ebert that the army leadership would support the government in return Ebert should resist demands of soldier’s councils to democratise the army. 
  • Name 3 weakness of the constitution  
    -System of proportional representation (small parties) 
    -Coalition governments 
    -Presidential decrees 
    -Survival of undemocratic institutions 
    -The existence of Article 48 
  • Who became the new Commander in Chief of the army in 1920?  
    General Hans von Seeckt. 
  • What was Article 48? 

    The power of the President to rule by decree in exceptional circumstances.