waking with Russell

Cards (11)

  • "Waking"
    has connotations of new beginnings, realisation and awareness. This conveys how the poet has a revelation, improvement and optimistic approach towards life after the birth of his son
  • "four-day-old smile"
    has connotations of vulnerability, gentle and innocence. This portrays how precious, innocent and special the child is and care and protection he needs
  • "face-to-face like lovers"
    just as lovers are loving, intimate and caring towards each other so too is the bond between the father and son cherished, affectionate and benevolent. This suggests the closeness of the relationship and the strong impact it has on the poet
  • "dawned"
    has connotations of mornings, light and rejuvenation. This conveys the awakening, revelation and realisation of the change and improvement the poet has in his life as a result of the birth of his son. It also links mornings to new beginnings, the central idea of the poem
  • "possessed"
    has connotations of power, energy and force. This relates to a consuming force taking over, suggesting the positive and strong impact his life has had with Russell entering it
  • "hard-pressed grin"
    has connotations of forced, diminished and unauthentic. This suggests how his smile was less sincere before Russell entering his life conveying how the poet found it difficult, challenging and uneasy to smile, highlighting the impact of Russells entry on the poet
  • "the true path was lost to him as ever"
    metaphor - just as a true path gives a sense of clarity, helpful and shows the way so too Russell restores hope, gives a sense of direction and is supportive. This suggests how Russell now reveals the way forward and how the poets life had little meaning before Russell
  • "when you cut in front and lit it as you ran"
    "cut in front" has connotations of overtake, appearance and summoning. This conveys how Russell arrived suddenly, quickly and with speed. Paterson seems surprised at his arrival suggesting that perhaps he was not prepared for fatherhood. Russell now lights the path 'of life' for his father, meaning he has given him a reason to live. The father must follow his son in order to protect him
  • "the true gift"
    just as a gift shows sincerity, generosity and honesty so too is Russell precious, valuable and close to Paterson. This suggests how genuine the love that Paterson has for his child is.
  • "smile poured through us like a river"
    metaphor - just as a river is life-giving, pure and flows endlessly so too is Russell's smile unending, never-ceasing and infinite. This suggests how his smile fills Paterson with joy until he also experiences the wealth of happiness and positivity.
  • "pledged"
    has connotations of strong commitment, fidelity and loyalty. This conveys how touched, impacted and perhaps overwhelmed Paterson is by Russell, causing him to make a vow and promise to be a good father, highlighting the transformation he undergoes from his dull past of pessimism to a note of optimism.