Theme C - Religion, Human Rights and Social justice

Cards (44)

  • biblical teaching about human dignity
    - humans were made in God's image so share the same quality so are superior to other creatures.
    - Jesus died for everyone so there should be no division as God loves everyone.
    - Christians should put the needs of others on the same level as their needs.
    - Christians should strive for justice and equality.
  • freedom of religion or belief
    - a way of accepting other people.
    - doesn't give others the right to force others to accept a religion.
    - "no one is forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs"
    - Pope Francis asked for a world where "believers and non-belivers can work together to promote a society where injustice can be overcome"
  • catholic teaching on human rights
    - rights and duties of others must be condidered world wide.
    - everyone's rights are equal and should be respected.
    - everyone needs basic necessities, food, water, shelter.
    - right to have children, education, freedom of religion, etc.
    - society must be built on truth and justice.
  • Pope Jhn XXIII on human rights
    "each individual man is truly a person. His is a nature, that is, endowed with intelligence and free will. As such he has rights and duties"
  • ensuring human rights
    - UN Declaration of Human Rights should legally by followed by every country.
    - Church asks Catholics to work towards greater equality.
  • relationship between rights and responsibilities
    - if people want rights they should realise other people should have the same rights so there's a need to ensure people have access to those.
    - this can limit what a person is allowed to do.
    - Christians have a responsibility to ensure everyone has the same rights.
  • rights and responsibilities - quote
    "one man's natural right gives rise to a corresponding duty in other men ... of recognising and respecting that right"
  • pursuit of human rights
    - Justice and Peace Commission raises awareness and provides food and shelter.
    - Caritas International raises awareness of human trafficking and tries to stop abuse.
    - Islamic Aid helps people get justice.
  • teachings about wealth in the Bible
    - Jesus told "to take nothing for their journey" = be poor.
    - wealth is a gift from God so needs to be used wisely as God will judge us based on how we use it.
    - wealth should be used to help others.
    - wealth can change people's values.
    - people's attachement to wealth and use of it is a problem - "love of money is a root to all kinds of evil"
  • teachings on wealth from the Church
    - poor people are deprived of dignity by the greedy.
    - Christians shoudn't make themselves poor but should share what they have with the needy.
  • stewardship of wealth
    - as wealth is a gift from God should be used wisely.
    - if the rich shared their wealth everyone would have a good standard of living - "they are to do good ... and ready to share".
  • catholic teachings about wealth creation
    - christians should be productive
    - catholics should use wealth positively to provide for needy times
  • exploitation of the poor
    - creating wealth shouldn't be at the expense of the poor
    - motivation for wealth shouldn't be greed but to provide for family and wider community.
    - "work is for man, not man for work"
  • human trafficking
    Bakhita Foundation gives practical and emotional support for those caught up in human trafficking and works with international agencies to enforce laws to prevent it.
  • wealth of the church
    - some people criticise it as it owns a lot of land but this land has hospitals and schools which helps people.
    - Popes have been selling works of art and using the money to help situations in need.
  • the church on greed
    - makes people ignore spiritual things.
    - destroys a person's relationship with God.
    - goes against "love your neighbour".
    - one of the seven deadly sins.
  • contrasting views on greed
    - it helps the economy if people desire possessions.
    - if people work hard to earn money they should spend it however they wish so can put their needs before others.
  • church on materialism
    - encourages judging people on what they have
    - can make people seem falsely important
    - leads to shallowness of life
    - "we lose our very identity as human beings" Pope Francis
  • vow of poverty
    taken by priests, nuns and monks to commit themselves wholly to God and others.
    "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and ... follow me"
  • views supporting the vow of poverty
    living simply will help solve the imbalance of wealth in the world.
    simple life leads to happiness as it removes stress.
  • contrasting views on the vow of poverty
    can only apply to those with limited family responsibilities.
    having worked for their money should mean that people should enjoy their wealth and possessions.
  • preferential option for the poor
    the poor deserve preferential treatment as they have suffered from the lack of basic necessities.
    catholics should protest and work against those that create poverty as it degrades people.
    "poverty in the world is a scandal" Pope Francis
  • Evangelii Gaudium 198 - teachings

    - christians should put the needs of others before their own as Jesus offered his life for everyone - "God who became poor for us"
    - poor people can teach the rich as they are closer in spirit to Jesus as they share in His suffering - "in their difficulties they know the suffering of Christ"
  • duty to take action on poverty
    christians are part of the Body of Christ so if if one part suffers, they should all provide support.
    "faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead"
  • directly helping the poor
    giving money to the homeless or charities
    supporting work of groups like Salvation Army
    showing compassion and kindness by direct help
    giving practical help
    buy fairtrade products
    boycott companies that exploit people
  • helping the poor - constrasting views
    just giving money does little help - what we need is to solve the causes of poverty
    poverty can only be solved by governments and orgnisations with power
  • responsibility to help those in poverty
    most poor people are in poverty due to unfortunate circumstances due to society so it's society's job to help them.
    some say the poor should be more responsible to not be poor in the first place or to try harder to improve their situation.
    - provides aid to deal with immediate difficulties.
    - supports fairtrade.
    - improves healthcare.
    - challenges exploitaion.
    - helps children get educated.
    - provides access to clean water.
  • Christian Aid
    - helps overcome poverty regardless of faith.
    - reponds quickly to natural disasters.
    - helps refugees restart their lives.
    - provides seeds for planting.
  • other views on catholic charities
    - some people don't donate because they think there's better ways to help.
    - they prefer to try and change policies.
    - others support non-christian charities.
    - see need and respond on a humanitarian basis.
  • christian teaching on prejudice and discrimination
    - God made everyone in his image and is present in everyone.
    - everyone was saved by Jesus' death and resurrection so there are no gorunds for discrimination.
  • racial prejudice and discrimination
    - leads to negative actions and can cause harm and tension.
    - against teaching that everyone is a child of God.
    - agaisnt teaching to treat everyone fairly.
    - means people aren't treated as full human beings.
  • racial prejudice and discrimination quote
    "whatever insults human dignity...poisons human society"
  • positive beliefs about racial diversity
    - Britain has a history of different races working together.
    - different races have greatly contributed to Britain's culture.
    - Britain is a multicultural society.
    - racial prejudice is often due to lack of knowledge.
  • negative beliefs about racial diversity
    - some wrongly think only one racial group belongs to Britain.
    - misunderstandings can lead to tensions.
    - racism still occurs.
    - Britain's security and prosperity is threatened by an increase in immigration.
  • equality in the Bible
    - humans made in the image of God.
    - men and women complete each other.
    - "there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus"
  • equality and gender
    men and women have equal dignity and rights but they have different roles - the role of a woman in the home is irreplaceble and also in society.
  • women in leadership in the catholic church
    - only men are allowed to be priests.
    - Jesus ordained male apostles in the Last Supper.
    - not diminishing to women, but shows how men and women are different.
  • women in leadership in the church of england
    - allows women to be priests and bishops.
    - call of God is important not gender.
    - means equal opportunities.
  • equality and sexuality
    chruch doesn't support same-sex relationships as it's not open to new life but homosexuals should still have the same rights and dignity as human beings.