bonding, structure and properties of matter

Cards (22)

  • metals form positive ions
  • non-metals form negative ions (if at all)
  • alkali metals reactivity increase as you go down the group
  • metals are malleable
  • metals are conductors of heat and electricity
  • non-metals are dull in colour
  • transition metals can form more than one ion
  • alkali metals have low density and low melting point
  • are alkali metals hard or soft
  • halogens are diatomic molecules
  • halogens form covalent bonds with themselves
  • halogens reactivity decreases as you go down the group
  • halogens melting and boiling point increase as you go down the group
  • when a halogen gains an electron, it is called a halide
  • halogens can form ionic bonds with alkali metals
  • more reactive halogens displace less reactive ones
  • noble gases are inert
  • noble gases boiling point increase as you go down the group
  • ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points
  • what is the charge of a sulfate ion
  • what is the charge of a hydroxide ion
  • covalent bonds are the share of electrons