Epithelial Tissue

Cards (24)

  • Epithelial cells are composed of CLOSELY AGGREGATES of what with VERY LITTLE extracellular substance?
    Polyhedral cells
  • Epithelial tissue have STRONG ADHESION and FORM what that cover the surface of the body and line its cavities?
    Cellular sheets
  • Epi: upon
  • Thele: nipple
  • Epithelial tissue: everything that enters or leaves the body must cross this
  • Skin: covering and lining of surfaces
  • Intestines: absorption
  • Glands: secretion
  • Neuroepithelium: sensation
  • Myoepithelial cells: contractility
  • What are the 2 types of epithelial tissue?
    Covering and Glandular
  • Covering epithelia: tissues in cells which are organized in layers that cover the external surface or line the cavities of the body
  • Covering epithelia: classified according to the number of cell layers and the morphologic features of the cells in the surface layer
  • Glandular epithelia: tissues formed by cells specialized to produce secretion
  • Glandular epithelia synthesizes, store, and secretes what? (3)
    Proteins and lipids or complexes of carbohydrates
  • What are the 2 types of Glandular Epithelia?
    Endocrine and Exocrine
  • Exocrine gland: retain their continuity with the surface via DUCT
  • Endocrine glands: LOSE the direst continuity with the surface when their ducts degenerate during development
  • Simple: 1 layer
  • Stratified: 2 or more layers
  • Squamous: thin cells
  • Cuboidal: cell width and thickness are similar
  • Columnar: cells TALLER than they are wide
  • Pseudostratified: "false" stratified