methods & proc

Cards (12)

  • Bowlby did the 44 juvenile thieves study
  • all thieves were graded 1 to 4
  • all thieves were refered to London Guidance Clinic where Bowlby worked
  • 31 males and 13 females
  • Bowlby used oppourtunity sampling
  • on arrival, each child was given a binet test for IQ
  • the psychologist who did the binet test also recorded the emotional attitude of the child
  • a social worker interviewed the childs mother and recorded childhood
  • the psychologist and social worker then reported back to Bowlby
  • Bowlby then interviewed the mother and child
  • after a 2 hour examination, the data was reviwed and conclusions were discussed
  • most of the children continued to meet the psychologist on a weekly basis for 6+ months after and the mother could talk to the social worker