Biological approach

Cards (8)

  • Assumptions- 
    Everything psychological is due to biological structures and processes
    The mind lives in the brain - all thoughts and feelings have a physical basis
    Uses very scientific and objective measures 
  • Genetic basis of behaviour 
    psychological characteristics are inherited the same way as physical characteristics
    twin studies- used to determine if a certain characteristics are inherited, dizygotic -50% shared DNA, monozygotic - 100% shared DNA
  • genotype- genetic makeup
    phenotype- genes expressed
    identical twins have the same, genotype a different phenotype
    Argument of nature versus nurture- environment is likely to have an influence on phenotype
  • evolution
    The gradual changes in an inherited characteristic of a species over many generations
    Any genetically determined ability that aids survival will be passed on
  • Neurochemical basis
    Actions of chemicals in the brain, thought and behaviour rely on chemical transmission
    Neurotransmitters- imbalance seen to cause mental disorders
  • A strength is real world application
    Increased understanding of neuro chemical processes, improves the use of psychoactive drugs used to treat mental disorders
    however, these drugs don’t work for everyone. Many people get given the wrong prescription or misuse the drugs and even when they do work, it may not indicate neurochemistry is the cause.
  • A strength is scientific methods of investigation are used things like brain scans, and MRIs are used
    With advances in technology, it is possible to accurately measure psychological and neural processes in a way that are not open to bias
    this means that the data produced is reliable and valid
  • A limitation is the biological determinism
    Human behaviour is seen as governed by internal genetic causes that we have no control over
    It is problematic when we consider things like crime, can a criminal excuse their actions because of a crime gene
    This suggests that the biological view is often too simplistic and ignores the mediating affects of the environment