Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

Cards (15)

  • Simple CUBOIDAL Epithelium: lines various DUCTS of GLANDS and ORGANS, where it COVER the surface for STURDINESS and PROTECTION.
  • Simple CUBOIDAL Epithelium: for SECRETION
  • Cells are as what as they are WIDE?
  • Describe the NUCLEUS of Simple CUBOIDAL Epithelium?
    Large, spherical, and central
  • The GREATER THICKNESS OF Simple CUBOIDAL Epithelium, allows what organelles to be rich in MITOCHONDRIA and other organelles for high level of WHAT across the EPITHELIUM?
    Cytoplasm and active transport
  • Simple CUBOIDAL Epithelium can be found where?
    Excretory ducts of different organs
  • Proximal convoluted tubules: brush border of MICROVILLI
  • Microvilli: small, nonmotile projections that cover the surfaces of absorptive cells
  • What cells store THRYOGLOBULIN in the follicles for subsequent use in production and endocrine secretion of T3 (thyroxin) and T4?
    Follicular cells
  • Parafollicular cells or C cells produce calcitonin, which is found in the MIDDLE THIRD or lateral lobes of the THYROID.
  • The secretory part of the SCALP is lined with what?
    Simple cuboidal epithelium
  • The DUCTS of SCALP are lined with what?
    Stratified cuboidal epithelium
  • Intercalated DUCTS: receive secretions from ACINI. They have flattened cuboidal epithelium that extends up into the lumen of the acinus to form what are called centroacinar cells.
  • INTRALOBULAR DUCTS: have a classical cuboidal epithelium and are seen within LOBULES. They receive secretions from intercalated ducts.
  • INTERLOBULAR DUCTS: are found between lobules, within the connective tissue septae. They vary considerably in size. The smaller forms have a cuboidal epithelium, while a columnar epithelium lines the larger ducts. This transmit secretions from intralobular ducts to the MAJOR PANCREATIC DUCT