Cards (13)

  • Who pioneered the prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
    Edouard Chatton
  • Generally, who discovered the cell?
    Robert Hooke
  • What year did Robert Hooke discover the cell?
  • What term did Robert Hooke use to describe the dead cell?
  • Who first discovered the microscope?
    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
  • Who are the two microbiologists who proposed the "concept of a bacterium"?
    Roger Stanier and Cornelis Bernardus van Niel
  • Who are the two scientists that gave/proposed the 'Cell Theory'?
    Matthias Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann
  • Who is the British Zoologist that concluded that all organisms are made up of cells?
    Theodor Schwann
  • Who is the German Botanist that contributed to the development of the Cell Theory?
    Matthias Jakob Schleiden
  • Who discovered the Golgi Apparatus in 1898?
    Camillo Golgi
  • He is the first to discover the existence of mitochondria in 1857 and calls the organelle as groups of 'granules' with membrane.
    Albert von Kolliker
  • He observed and defined mitochondria as 'bioblasts' which means life germs.
    Richard Altmann
  • He renamed this organelle as "mitochondria."
    Carl Benda