Growing Political Disillusionment

Cards (8)

  • Polls indicated increasing disillusionment with politics
    • % of Americans who felt that GOV will 'do what is right most of the time'- 1969- 56%- 1979- 29%
    • % of Americans believing GOV officials were 'smart people who know what they are doing'- 1969-69%- 1979- 29%
    • % of Americans who felt that US affairs were run for the benefit of a few big interests rather than people- 1969-28%- 1979- 65%
    • % of Americans who agreed that the 'people running the country do not really care about what happens to you'- 1966- 26%- 1977- 60%
  • Liberals had mocked Eisenhower & his fellow Americans
    Vietnam War caused the 'credibility gap' that damaged faith in Johnson & Presidency
  • Watergate & the pardon
    Exacerbated the disillusionment in Presidents
  • Media coverage of Ford's fall
    Demonstrated growing disrespect
  • Disillusionment increased under Carter
    Half the electorate felt alienated from the political process & never bothered to vote
  • Turnout in presidential election: 53% in 1976, 53% in 1980
  • Confirmed the alienation of a significant proportion of the electorate
  • Some of the alienated electorate were turning to single-issue politics like environmentalism