6.5 Core Practical: Investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis
A - decide on the different distances between the algae and the lamp you are going to use
B - each distance needs one clear glass bottle and one extra one
C - add 20 of the algal balls to each bottle
D - add the same amount of indicator solution to each bottle (hydrogen carbonate indicator), and put on the bottle caps
E - you will have a range of bottles showing the colours of the indicator at different pHs. compare the colour in your tubes with the pH rage to work out the start pH
F - set up a tank of water between the lamp and the area where you will place your tubes
G - cover one bottle in kitchen foil so that it is in the dark
H - measure the different distances from the lamp and place bottles at the distances. put the bottle covered in foil next to the bottle closest to the lamp
I - turn on the lamp and wait until you can see obvious colour changes in the bottles (longer you wait, more obvious results)
J - compare the colours of all your bottles with the pH range bottles and write down the pHs
(rate - change in pH / time)