Frogs key quotes

Cards (41)

  • X to D: “you are the most cowardly of gods - and men”
  • D about E: “no mortal alive could keep me from going after him” = reductio ad absurdum
  • H about D: “flinging himself at [the door] like a centaur”
  • x: “my neck’s so squished it can’t even tell a joke”
  • D: “this is the limit” (limit = hubris)
  • D to X: “how can you be carrying [the burden], when you are the burden?”
  • X to D: “I’m the one bearing it - not the donkey, goddammit”
  • X to D: “why didn’t I fight in that sea-battle! Then I could tell you to bugger off” (sea-battle = Arginusae 406 BC)
  • D to X about H: “did you notice that? […] how scared he was of me”
  • H to D: “look at that lionskin on top of your little yellow number”
  • X: “not Heracles, but Xanthacles!”
  • D: “just a little [desire] - the size of Molon”
  • H: “you fought at sea?”
    D: “yes, and sank - oh, it must have been twelve or thirteen enemy ships”
    X: “in your dreams…”
  • D: “I can’t explain. Let me try an analogy: have you ever felt a sudden craving for lentil soup?”
  • D: “I need a good poet. Those that aren’t dead are dread-ful”
  • D: “Euripides is a complete crook […], whereas Sophocles is completely easy-going”
  • D: alive poets = “a disgrace to their profession”
  • Charon: “I don’t carry slaves. Not if they didn’t fight for their lives in that sea-battle”
  • Charon to D: “stop being an idiot”
  • D to Frogs chorus: “to hell with your co-ax, you’re nothing but co-ax”
  • D: “but I’ve got blisters, my bum is wet and just about to poo”
  • Frogs: “BRE-KE-KE-KEX, CO-AX, CO-AX”
  • Charon to D: “give me the fare and get out”
  • D about H: “he’ll be sorry. He was just bragging to make me afraid, knowing what a good fighter I am. Pure envy. He’s so conceited”
  • X to D: “I am afraid your tunic’s turned brown from fright”
  • CofI: “the politician who takes a bite out of a comic playwright’s earnings when mocked” (Aristophanes’ own political views)
  • CofI: “shall we laugh at Archedamus? At seven he’d still not cut his adult teeth”
  • CofI: ”Cleisthenes’ arsehole is plucking out its hairs and tearing its cheeks”
  • CofI: “they say that Callias - you know, Hippoknickers’ son - went off to fight at sea, hunting pussy in fitted lionskin pants”
  • X to D: “you’re dressed like Heracles. Now act like him”
  • D: “I’ve made a craprifice”
  • X to D: “you ridiculous fool, get up quickly before someone sees you”
  • D: “I start buffing my chickpea”
  • D: “Xanthy wanthy”
  • Leader of CofI: “our first policy is that all citizens should be treated as equals, free from fear” (Aristophanes’ own social views)
  • Leader of CofI: “I say their slip should be overlooked and, once they’ve explained themselves, the slate wiped clean”
  • Leader of CofI: “no man in our city should be without rights” (Aristophanes’ own social views)
  • Leader of CofI: “let your anger go, show your natural wisdom”
  • X about D: “all he cares about is boozing and bonking”
  • Slave to X: “to think, he hadn’t beaten you when you answered back, saying you were the master when you’re just a slave!”