androgen insensitivity syndrome is where XY have normal testes and secrete androgens, but the fetus is insensitive so the wolffian ducts degenerate and they have external female genitalia
due to mutations in androgen receptor
periods don't start which leads to diagnosis
mutations in 5-a-reductase means that testosterone isn't converted into DHT so no male external genitalia develops in XY, leads to virilisation at puberty
kallman syndrome = GnRH neurones don't migrate properly in development so no GnRH is released in puberty
associated with lack of smell
precocious puberty is an onset of sexual characteristics before 8 in female and 9 in males
short stature due to premature fusion
precocious puberty central causes = sex hormones produced too early via HPG
idiopathic, environmental endocrine disruptors or obesity
precocious puberty peripheral causes = sex hormones produced by atypical means
adrenal hyperplasia or tumour
delayed puberty = absence of sexual characteristics by 14 in females and 16 in males