Cards (18)

  • androgen insensitivity syndrome is where XY have normal testes and secrete androgens, but the fetus is insensitive so the wolffian ducts degenerate and they have external female genitalia
    • due to mutations in androgen receptor
    • periods don't start which leads to diagnosis
  • mutations in 5-a-reductase means that testosterone isn't converted into DHT so no male external genitalia develops in XY, leads to virilisation at puberty
  • kallman syndrome = GnRH neurones don't migrate properly in development so no GnRH is released in puberty
    • associated with lack of smell
  • precocious puberty is an onset of sexual characteristics before 8 in female and 9 in males
    • short stature due to premature fusion
  • precocious puberty central causes = sex hormones produced too early via HPG
    • idiopathic, environmental endocrine disruptors or obesity
  • precocious puberty peripheral causes = sex hormones produced by atypical means
    • adrenal hyperplasia or tumour
  • delayed puberty = absence of sexual characteristics by 14 in females and 16 in males
    • pituitary tumours, Turner syndrome, Kallman syndrome, androgen insensitivity
  • adult female endocrine disorders may present with
    • galactorrhea, amenorrhea, infertility, oestrogen deficiency, hot flushes, low libido
    FSH/LH levels tested to show ovarian reserve and issues with HPG axis, progesterone tested to show if ovulation is occuring
  • progesterone withdrawal bleed = synthetic progesterone given for 5 days then taken away - causes bleed and allows cycle to be timed
  • primary causes of adult female endocrine disorders = peripheral causes, gonadal damage/failure
    • normal gonadotropin secretion
    • high FSH/LH due to low oestrogen
  • secondary causes of adult female endocrine disorders = central causes, hypothalamic or pituitary disease
    • low gonadotropins, low FSH/LH, low oestrogen
  • premature ovarian failure = low oestrogen, high FSH/LH before 40
    • often unknown cause
    • can be caused by chemo
  • turner syndrome = XO leads to oocyte death as XX needed for oocyte growth
    • ovarian dysgenesis occurs as normal ovarian development requires normal germ cells
    growth hormone given in childhood and oestrogen given to initiate puberty
  • hyperprolactinaemia = too much prolactin from anterior pituitary suppresses HPG axis leading to low FSH/LH
    • can be natural (post pregnancy) or caused by prolactin secreting tumours
    dopamine = natural prolactin antagonist (low dopamine = high prolactin)
  • PCOS = must have three symptoms from
    • oligo/amenorrhea
    • hyperandrogenaemia
    • polycystic ovaries
    increased risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
  • adult male endocrine disorders may present with
    • loss of libido, impotence, infertility, gynaecomastia, low body hair
    primary symptoms = testicular insensitivity, high FSH/LH due to low testosterone
    secondary symptoms = low gonadotropins, low FSH/LH, low testosterone
  • klinefelter syndrome = XXY
    • azoospermia, small testes, low testosterone, high FSH/LH
  • androgen abuse causes prostate cancer, atrophy of testes, hypertension, cardiac muscle hypertrophy, arrhythmia